Modern linen for the bed: traditions and new trends

Consultants online store bedding prepared for you an overview that will help determine the choice of a set of linens for the bedroom.

Under the bedclothes means a fewproducts, corresponding to style, visual concept. A standard set includes several sheets, pillowcases and a duvet cover. Given the size and use, the number of tissue solutions can be adjusted. Note that the depth of human sleep is directly dependent on these pastel accessories.

On sale is a huge number of varieties of bed linen. However, experts identify several main types, according to which it is customary to distinguish individual sets.

Classification by size

Modern linen for the bed: traditions and new trends

Given the equipment, the size of the blanket, pillow and mattress, you can distinguish several sets, widely represented on the market:

  • children's - Pillow case: 400x600 mm, quilt cover: 1150x1470 mm, sheets: 1200x1500 mm;

  • "Lorry" - Cushion cover: 700x700 mm, quilt cover: 1800x2150 mm; sheets: 2400x2600 mm;

  • "Euro-standard" - pillowcase: 510x760 mm, quilt cover: 1450х2000 mm, sheets: 900х1900 mm;

  • double - Cushion cover: 700x700 mm, quilt cover: 1800x2150 mm, sheets: 2400x2600 mm;

  • family - pillowcase: 500x700 mm, duvet covers: 2150x1480 mm, sheets: 2400x2200.

For the sake of justice, it should be noted that the above classification is only valid in the CIS countries. Yes, and manufacturers can independently change the size of products by 100-150 mm.

Density of the fabric

Modern linen for the bed: traditions and new trends

Experts determine the tissue density, calculating the total number of interlaced threads per square centimeter.

The bed linen is divided according to the specified criterion as follows:

  • Low - cambric - from 20 to 30 threads / 1 cm2;

  • average - flax, cotton - from 35 to 65 threads / 1 cm2;

  • above average - fabrics on an artificial basis, Turkish silk - from 66 to 80 yarns;

  • high - satin, silk from China, percale - from 82 to 120 threads;

  • very high - Japanese silk, glossy satin - from 130 to 280 threads.

Note that fabrics with a higher density can boast an exceptionally long service life and impeccable reliability.

Classification by tissues

Modern linen for the bed: traditions and new trends

On each bed linen by all meansThere is a label on which the material used for the production of a particular product is indicated. Silk, cotton and linen are most often used. Let us dwell on them in more detail.

Cotton can boast excellent durability, strength, and impeccable hygienic characteristics.

Flax - has a good level of thermal conductivity, resistance to stretching, strength. It is not surprising that this material is one of the oldest in the world.

Baptiste is a universal fabric in which all the positive properties of cotton and flax are filigree. With its fineness and lightness it is distinguished by its strength, hygroscopicity and hypoallergenicity.

Natural silk is a very smooth and resilient material with excellent hygienic characteristics.

Viscose is a common natural fabric, inwhich is based on cellulose. By adjusting the number of fibers, the way they are interlaced, several materials comparable to cotton, wool and flax can be obtained at once.

Fibers based on bamboo - environmentally friendlysafe and modern material that allows you to adjust the temperature of the body, maintaining it at optimal values. Due to the porous tissue structure it effectively absorbs moisture.

Microfiber is incredibly soft, synthetic andat the same time tactilely pleasant fabric. Characterized by the ability to cool, quickly dries, retains impeccable appearance for a long time.

How to take care of clothes properly

Modern linen for the bed: traditions and new trends

Experts strongly recommend after the purchase of laundry thoroughly wash the kit, because no one is able to guarantee good storage conditions.

It is very important to adhere to other recommendations:

  • wash only colored linen with colored, and white with white;

  • it is not recommended to wash in a filled up machine, there should be enough free space inside;

  • synthetic fabrics never wipe with natural;

  • bedding is slightly moist.

When choosing bed linen, you must take into account the quality of the material, and only after you estimate the cost of the product itself.

In our online store "Constellation of Dreams" all sets of bed linens are certified, so you can not doubt the quality of the product when you buy.

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