How to sew bed linen

Comfortable bed linen has magical power. It is much more pleasant to fall asleep and wake up in an airy bed, which practically does not let you out of your arms. And it's even nicer to sew the bed linen with your own hands, putting love and work into this process. How to sew bed linen ? It's very simple, as you will now see.

Before you learn how to sew bed linens, let's see what kind of fabric you will use. We offer you several kinds of fabrics:

Flannel bed. Very soft cotton fabric. Has a heat-saving effect.

Poplin's bed. Brilliant silky fabric, has a very dense cotton base.

Chintz bedclothes. Very light and pleasant to the touch cotton fabric.

Teak mattress. Linen thick fabric. Practically not torn and not rubbed.

Bed coarse calico. The most popular fabric for making bed linen. Soft, light, but crumples more often than any other fabric.

Teak napernikovy. This material is used for making pillowcases. It is very thin, but dense.

Populen bed. This material combines flax and cotton. After washing, it remains fresh, and the pattern is not erased due to closely spaced fibers.

How to sew bed linen using the simplest sewing techniques? To begin with, it is sewn not with simple seams, but with linen or shirts. note: for simple tailoring, you need to add detailsface, leaving the unworked edge on the wrong side. And when sewing clothes all the way around: we have to fold the parts from the wrong side and stitch it. Then you need to unfold the fabric face, leaving an untreated strip inside, which you must again zastrochit. As a result, the seam turns out strong, because double work is performed.

Sheets. From the chosen fabric we cut out a rectangle,preliminary measuring the length and width of the bed. We turn the edges of the rectangle. You need to rotate them one centimeter each two times, and then work on the machine.

Pillowcase. We cut out the square and the rectangle,having preliminary measured the size of a pillow. Rectangle we need to ensure that our pillowcase is closed. The rectangle should be longer than the square by 15-20 cm. The edges of the pattern are processed in the same way as the edges of the sheet, and after folding the parts and sewing. Do not forget to treat the edge of the fabric that we left to cover the pillowcase. If desired, you can sew buttons to it, making a cut that needs to be processed with small stitches. It is necessary to show imagination, in fact how to sew bed linens that it was not boring? Experiment, the main thing is that it was convenient to use it.

Duvet Cover. It is necessary to find two rectangles,Stitch the edges, fold the parts and sew. Everything is very simple. The main thing, do not forget to leave a blanket for the blanket. You can show your imagination and make it anywhere. When making a cut, do not forget that its edges need to be stitched up.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Now you know how to sew bed linens, so do not waste time and try to devote your leisure to such useful needlework. We assure you, your loved ones will appreciate your efforts at their true worth.

How to sew bed linen
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