Fretwork in the interior
Bas-reliefs (sculptural compositions, inwhich convex image protrudes above the background plane) have adorned the buildings since ancient times. Such bas-reliefs could be either carved by their stone or wood, or molded. Now the fashion for bas-reliefs comes back, because thanks to modern materials has become more accessible stucco in the interior.

Of course, a stone or wooden carved bas-relief,decorating the dwelling - an expensive pleasure that is not available to everyone, and there are very few interiors in which such a bas-relief will be really appropriate. But stucco in the interior is a more affordable and democratic option. Modern elements of moldings are made of plaster and polyurethane.

Most manufacturers of decorative moldings for the interior offer polyurethane stucco, which has a number of advantages over gypsum. It is lightweight, yet strong enough and resistant to deformation. Polyurethane stucco is resistant to moisture and does not absorb odors, so it can be used, for example, in the bathroom or in the kitchen. It is easy to assemble (the elements are simply put on special glue), but it is relatively inexpensive.

Molded decoration is represented by a wide range of decorative elements. This is moldings, and cornices, and skirting boards, anddoor frames, as well as rosettes, corner elements, borders, beams, domes, brackets, shelves, pilasters, wall panels, niches, etc. It is thanks to this variety of stucco in the interior is so popular, because it is possible to pick up suitable molded decorative elements for any style of interior.

Modern stucco can be not only white: it can be painted in almost any color athelp quality paints without solvent. So in whatever color you have executed the interior, there is always the possibility to organically "fit" the stucco elements into it, simply painting them in the desired shade.

Painted stucco can be decorated, creating the effect of aging and scuffing, imitating aged silver or bronze with patina. Also available stucco molding for natural materials: wood, stone, marble, ivory. To stand, it will certainly be more expensive, but how spectacular it looks!

Most often in the interior is used ceiling moldings, and not only from aesthetic considerations,but also from the practical: it allows you to hide the flaws of the finish, for example, not too accurate transition from the walls to the ceiling. It can also be used to install concealed lighting.

But, of course, the stucco decoration is not only decorated with ceilings. It can decorate any non-linear surfaces, doorways, bay windows and rounded walls. Also Stucco in the interior helps to beat the individual elements, say, a mirror (if you use stucco elements instead of a frame) or a chandelier.

However, stucco should be used in the interior with care, otherwise instead of stylish interior design you will get a tasteless kitsch. In what styles of interior is appropriate stucco molding? This is primarily such styles as rococo,baroque, modern, neoclassic. You can use stucco and eclectic style, because it, in fact, is a combination of elements of different styles.

Also stucco is appropriate in some varieties of ethnic interior. It is clear that in the laconic Japanese interiorstucco decorations, most likely, will be inappropriate, but stucco in the interior in an Arabic style, reminiscent of the luxury of the harem, will come in handy.

Fretwork in the interior - a simple and inexpensive way to give yourthe interior of a certain highlight. The main thing is to correctly choose and place decorative stucco elements, depending on the style of your interior, so that they do not look foreign. But this applies to absolutely all elements of the interior decor, and not just stucco moldings.

Fretwork in the interior
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