Zoning the room

Zoning rooms are often required to be used in one-bedroom apartments. After all, there is one and only roomacts as a living room, bedroom, a nursery and a study. In addition, the zoning of any other room will also help you to emphasize certain parts of the room. Therefore, we should talk about the basic rules of zoning the premises.
Zoning of the room is carried out by various methods. For this you can use partitions. Zoning by partitions requires a lot of space, especially if you decide to use as a material drywall or concrete. You can also use mobile partitions on wheels. Such partitions can always be moved or cleaned completely.
Lighting can also help you make room zoning. In one room you can use a bright andmuted lighting, thus creating a sleeping and living or playing area. Zoning the room with the help of levels will help you visually separate the different areas of the room. For this type of zoning, you can use the podium.
Each room can be divided into zones, highlighting in it certain spaces. Therefore, we can briefly dwell on the methods of zoning rooms that have different functions: a living room, a nursery and a bedroom.
The zoning of the living room is both practical and aesthetic. After all, you You can clearly indicate the desired zone in which you will spend time with guests. On the other hand, the zoning of the room is alsowill help you to fence space where you can relax on the couch in front of the TV in the evenings. The easiest way is to zoning the living room to do using color. Use for walls and floor different colors, with which you can clearly define the boundaries of the space you need. A carpet of the right color will also help you to clearly indicate a particular zone.
The living room is zoned into two spaces with the help of light. In the recreation area, you can set muted lighting. But in the work area, where you will also receive guests, a bright light will be very welcome.

Zoning children causes much more problems. After all, in this room for the child should be made zones for recreation, work and play. In this case, the zoning of the room can bein any of the above described ways. If you decide to create zones using partitions, try to make sure that the room remains as much daylight as possible.
By the way, Zoning children can be done with the help of interior items or screens. But in this case, think about whether it will be convenient for a child to be in such a room. If so, you can save a lot of room space.
A bedroom is a room specially designed for sleeping. But it can also be zoned, thus adding to it a recreation area. After all, nothing prevents you from putting a comfortable armchair and a small floor lamp on the nightstand. If you want, you can add any other light sources that will help you make the zoning of the room.
In the bedroom, it is best to allocate zones with a screen or canopy. But also you can use small racks that will help you to diversify your room decor.
Very often the bedroom has to be combined with the dressing room. This has its pluses, because you canunload other rooms and do not put in them massive cabinets. Since there are no very large rooms in modern apartments, it is best to use wardrobes with sliding doors to save space.
In addition, knowing the rules of planning and zoning, In the bedroom you can place other functional zones. Sometimes it is enough to usea small bookshelf. Moreover, modern materials give us the opportunity to use lightweight solid structures of metal, glass or plastic, which look great in any interior.