Kitchen with bay window

There are two reasons why architects began using bay windows. On the outside, the building has moredecorative view. Yes, and indoors, these extensions help to increase living space. In shape, bay windows can be different: semicircular, rectangular or polyhedral. But do not forget that the bay window in the interior plays a very important role. The room with a bay window gets much more sunlight than in a conventional window. Also, the bay window makes it possible to increase the viewing angle from the window of the apartment.
But people accustomed to the right quadrangular premises, at first Do not always appreciate all the advantages of such an annex. Design with a bay window will require the inclusion ofadditional elements that would be perfectly suitable for such premises. So let's talk about how the kitchen with a bay window can look, and what furniture arrangement will be the most optimal.
Kitchen interior with bay window It is not much more difficult to create a design for anyanother rectangular room. Basically, materials and furniture are used the same as for a quadrangular room. But special attention should be paid to the bay window. After all, the windows of the bay window can not be closed, so in the kitchen with a bay window you can envisage the presence of another zone: a dining room, a workplace or a small living room.
Recently, such a type of apartments has become quite popular. Studio. In this case, all living quarters do not haveclear partitions for the separation of living space. In the studio, they often combine a living room with a kitchen. Especially the design of this room will benefit from having a bay window. In this case, the kitchen with a bay window will be an excellent place for a dining table. Oval (it is best to use this form), the table will be located exactly in the bay window. Further, the kitchen can be arranged as you wish.

Also, a kitchen with a bay window can be an excellent area for the reception of guests. Such an environment is excellent forone-room apartments. In this case, the only room always combines the living room and bedroom area. And if the kitchen does not have enough space for a dining table, then in the main room they often also get together for a meal. In this case, in the kitchen with a bay window it is possible to organize with a mind a zone for reception of visitors. In this case, it is undesirable to place a table in this zone. Instead, you can do only the organization of soft sofas, which will be located around the perimeter of the bay window.
Most often kitchen design with a bay window is performed in calm tones. But if you decide to equip the bay window as aliving room, we advise you to revive this zone with various bright colors. First you need to choose the right curtains. Eckers make any room much brighter due to the increased amount of sunlight that gets through the windows. Therefore, you should not hang dark curtains on the windows. Let it be light curtains, which only underline the overall design of the kitchen. But on the sofas you can put colorful bright cushions. Also for the bay window you can choose sofas made in bright colors. And to make the finishing touch of the kitchen with the bay window, it is recommended to use two types of artificial lighting.
In the bay window, where the living room area will be located, you can hang decorative beautiful chandelier. But in the kitchen you can use rows of small lamps for ceilings.
Similarly, a kitchen with a bay window can also include a cabinet area. In this case, one should not make the bay window verybright. On the contrary, calmness in color design will only create the right mood for work. By the way, such a workplace can perfectly transform into a dining area. So think about how to combine both these zones in the kitchen with a bay window.