How to arrange furniture in the room?

Change of dwelling, as a rule, implies the purchase of furniture or the arrangement of what is already available. How to arrange furniture in a roomwhen it is completely empty, and the imagination, as evil, is turned off?
First step on the way to arranging furniture - make a plan. Take a blank sheet of paper and draw your room in a reduced form, at a scale of 1:20. Take the matter seriously, so that you do not have to tear yourself up again, moving furniture from place to place.
In the figure, it is necessary to note the location of the window, the door, designate all the switches, sockets and radiators. Important point - in which direction the doors open, so that the furniture does not interfere with this.
Now you need to measure length and width of furniture. Move its dimensions to paper in the samescale, as the size of the room. Mark each furniture with previously cut out rectangular paper. In order not to mix where the sofa is, and where the table - each rectangle sign. Now it remains only to include imagination and boldly move your fictional furniture on paper. This will allow to arrange furniture without problems, as well as save energy and time.
Before arranging furniture, think about how she did not make yourroom is cramped. A pile of furniture makes the situation in the room uncomfortable, with a minimum of space for movement. It seems difficult to breathe in such a room. According to experts, furniture should occupy the room no more than 50%. The best option is 30%. Then you will not interfere.
To properly arrange furniture in the room, you need to consider the functions of this room. But, regardless of whether the bathroom is a living room or an office, you must identify the most important items that will be in the room. If the bathroom - then first put the sink and bath (shower), if it is a study - a desk, a bedroom - a bed and so on.
Any room in which you want to arrange furniture, you need to divide into sections. So it will be more convenient and faster to find a place for each piece of furniture.
Many of us prefer to place furniture alongwalls. This allows you to create a spacious corridor in the room. This option is more suitable for a one-bedroom apartment. With this arrangement of furniture, the room will look bigger and more spacious. If the room in the apartment is one, we advise you to plan arrangement of furniture immediately for the whole apartment, so that all pieces of furniture are combined.
A cozy corner will make a small coffee table with chairs arranged around it. Desk better place so that the sunlight falls to your left (if you are not left-handed). So you will not spoil your sight by doing work.
Bookcases better placed near the desktop, most importantly, so that you are comfortable and there was no discomfort.
Some are annoyed when the closets with clothes are too large. If you are one of such people - can be purchased small chest of drawers. It is compact, besides it has a place where you can put a TV.
Choose a bed with particular gravity. If the area of the room allows - you can put a nice double bed. If not - we advise you to purchase a folding sofa or an armchair. As a result, you will save a lot of space.
To your apartment was not only cozy, but also beautifully designed, do not forget to arrange on the rooms are decorative trinkets. It can be all sorts of vases, souvenirs, photographs and, of course, indoor flowers (if you do not suffer from allergies). But remember, everything should be in moderation. Excessive quantity of ornaments can not only litter the room, but also irritate you.
How to arrange furniture in a room - a matter of taste. Approach this question creatively. Arrange the furniture where it seems to be the most suitable place for you. Then the room will be comfortable and cozy.
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