Kitchen repair by own hands

The kitchen occupies an important place in the everyday life of each family, and therefore I want this room to be cozy and functional. therefore kitchen repair yourself - More than relevant.
To start repairing the kitchen with your own hands, the first thing to do is to think about the future kitchen interior. Here it is worth paying attention to the dimensions of the room: how much does it allow to "unfold" the imagination?
In addition, it is very important, both indoorsthere is a gas and water supply. To "move" the shell, for example, it is enough to install pipes of the required length and configuration. But to transfer the gas stove will not work - the gas service categorically forbids such "amateur performance". Therefore, to think over the interior of the kitchen should be so that, with the standard layout of the cooker, the kitchen remains comfortable.
Next, the repair of the kitchen with their own hands should be divided into stages. Stage one - purchase of necessary building materials. At this stage it is very important to make the rightMeasurements of the room, because they depend on the calculation of the number of materials. Building materials are better to buy immediately with a small margin, because afterwards the desired shade may not be on sale.
When the materials are purchased, proceed to the next stage - removing old furniture and finishing. Those items that can not be taken out ofkitchen, for example, a gas stove, should be covered with a polyethylene film at the time of operation, so as not to get dirty. All construction debris is best removed immediately, in order to maximize the room for further work.
Now we can proceed to the so-called blacksmithing the kitchen. Rough repairs of the kitchen with their own hands includesself installation of electrical wiring and sewer pipes, work on leveling walls, ceiling and floor. If necessary, at the same stage, installation of water flow meters is performed.
It is better to start with the installation of electrical wiring,since this process requires strobing and is accompanied by dust and dirt. The installation of electrical wiring is only authorized by a specialist, therefore it is necessary to entrust this work to a professional.
Followed by proceed to leveling the walls and floor. Large cracks and voids need to be closedmortar, small - just enough to putty. If the walls are too "curved", you can even out them with plasterboard. On the floor, if necessary, a screed is made.
The next stage of kitchen repair by own hands is installation of windows and doors. Then comes the finishing step. You need to start from the ceiling, then go to the walls, and then - to the floor. The ceiling is leveled, after which it can be painted or whitened, wallpapered or mounted a suspended or stretched ceiling.
The walls in the kitchen are prone to aggressive attackmoisture, high temperatures, fat and soot. Therefore, it is not advisable to glue ordinary paper wallpaper in the kitchen. It is advisable to select easily washable materials for finishing kitchen walls.
Often the walls of the kitchen lay ceramictiles, because it is very convenient and practical material. If desired, the tiles can be laid out not the entire kitchen, but only the working area, choosing other surfaces for other materials.
Finishing the floor is done last, although depending on the materials used,can be chosen and another sequence of actions. On the kitchen floor it is also necessary to put the most convenient and practical materials, for example, ceramic tile, linoleum.
Installation of necessary plumbing and equipment - this is the next stage of kitchen repair yourself. It is necessary to install a sink, connect faucets, install a stove, extract hood, install sockets and switches, lamps.
The final stage of kitchen repair is installation of kitchen furniture. It is desirable to produce it when all the dirty work in the kitchen is finished, so it is better to set the curtains or blinds on the windows in advance.
Well, that's all, it remains only to make a "finish" cleaning, decorate the kitchen with decorative elements and you can gather with the whole family at a solemn table in the renovated kitchen - the repair of the kitchen is over!