Strengthening of nails
Healthy strong nails are always in fashion. Therefore, in addition to regular manicure and applying decorative varnish, do not forget to strengthen your nails. In this you can help a few tips.
Strengthening of nails
"Locally" The problem of weakened nailsspecial strengthening varnishes. If the nails break, choose a varnish with calcium, and if separated - with fruit acids. If the tips of the nails break down too often, you can try applying a firming varnish with calcium and on the other side of the nail plate.
Usefull bathe regularly from a warm oil, rub a special cuticle oil into the nails.
A broken nail can be saved and at home. It is enough to acquire a special material for gluing the nails and cover them with a crack, and on top to apply an ordinary base for a varnish or a special gel.
Weakened, brittle nails are one of the first signs of a lack of vitamins and minerals in organism. Therefore, you should pay attention to your diet and eat foods rich in vitamins, micro- and macro elements or special vitamin complexes.
Strengthening and growth of nails contributes vitamin A, which is contained in the liver, oil, fresh herbs, carrots, tomatoes.
Contribute to the assimilation of proteins and stimulates the growth of nails also vitamins of group B. You will find them in sprouted wheat grains, brewer's yeast, egg yolk, cabbage.
Such elements as iodine, calcium, silicon, sulfur are also extremely important for healthy nails. Calcium is in dairy products, iodine is in seaweed and spinach. Sulfur is found in cabbage, onions, cucumbers.
White spots that sometimes appear on the nails indicate a lack of zinc in organism. Eat foods rich in zinc, such as sprouted wheat grains and wheat bran, raspberries, black currants, dates, sea fish, lean beef, rice, eggs.
Let your nails always be strong and healthy!