How to quickly grow nails
Many girls dream of healthy nails, because beautiful long nails give women not only a well-groomed look, but also help create the image chosen by her. So how to quickly grow nails?
The modern beauty industry hasnail extension in special salons and at home is common. But that's just not all women want to have artificially nails. After all, their natural form and health can charm any man.
Scientists have calculated that nails on hands grow 1-2 mm a week. Naturally, such a natural pace depends ona number of factors. For example, in winter, nails grow more slowly than in summer. Such changes are associated with the amount of vitamins consumed, and in particular the production of a nail plate quantity vitamin D.
It was also found that in pregnant women nails grow faster. This is due not only to hormonalchange, but still with the receipt of additional vitamins by the body and good nutrition of expectant mothers. In order to nails grow faster, in your diet should include foods rich in vitamin D, calcium, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.
In the question of how quickly to grow the nails will help sort out the use of a number of home methods. Beneficial effect on the growth of finger nail massage. It accelerates blood circulation in the fingers, which leads to a greater inflow of blood to the nail plates. More blood - more useful substances get nails. It should be done every night.
The same effect has and paraffinotherapy. It is considered the most effective way forrapid growth of nails. When paraffinotherapy is performed on the cuticle and nails, apply a molten cosmetic paraffin or wax. The action from the application of paraffin on the nails is akin to the massage of the fingers: the stimulation of blood circulation and the abundant influx of oxygen.
Very useful also trays for nails. Since nails are very fond of moisture, you can simply dip them more often into the water. Soon you will notice that the nails began to grow much faster. AT You can add a little olive oil and lemon to the nail tray. If you want to further strengthen themadd a little sea salt. Take a bath for 3-5 minutes, and after its end, do not wash your hands with water, because with running water you wash away all the absorbent nutrients from the skin and nails. Just pat your hands with a napkin. Baths with sea salt are taken within 15-20 minutes. Do not forget to put a nourishing cream on the hands and nails at the end.
Very good effect on the growth of nails also vitamin E. A liquid vitamin can simply be rubbed into the nails. If you can not find it, try simply using iodine for these purposes.
Also You can prepare yourself an ointment for rapid growth of nails. To do this, take 40 ml of calendula oil, oneboiled yolk and 5 g of beeswax. Preheat the wax in a water bath and add crushed yolk and butter. Continue to warm the mixture and do not forget to stir it constantly. Ointment can be considered ready when it reaches the density of sour cream.
Another recipe for how fast to grow nails: for this mix on a floor of a teaspoon of a children's cream and red pepper. Add 20 drops of water to it and heat the cream on a water bath. Apply the mixture to the nails.
Do not forget to take good care of your nails. Take a closer look at them, because if they are dry andfragile, then in the body you do not have enough fat. Therefore, you should include in the diet of large vegetable fats, vegetables, fruits and liver. They also contain a large amount of vitamin A, which accelerates the growth of nails.
Constantly use various cosmetics for nail care. This will help them to stay healthy and strong. After all, even a conventional decorative varnish helps to keep your nails in excellent condition, as it protects them from damage and the negative impact of external factors.