How to get rid of a double chin?

Oh, this awful double chin!! He is able to spoil even the most beautiful face. This trouble can happen not only in old age, but also when you are young and full of energy. Double chin can be defeated, most importantly - a little effort!

How to get rid of a double chin?

To remove the double chinfirst of all, it is necessary to find out the reasonshis appearance. Double chin provokes wrong, unbalanced diet, excess weight. If you are used to walking with a low head down, stooping, then a double chin is also threatening you.

Become the cause of the appearance of a double chinand slick high pillows, lying on which, the head is always too pressed to the body. Sharp weight changes, age and genetic characteristics can also provoke a double chin.

To get rid of the double chin, you can resort to mini-liposuction - the plastic surgeon will remove all unnecessary. But there is a simpler, safer and cheaper way - you need to train your neck muscles.

In order to bring the neck muscles into tone, there are complexes of different exercises, in addition, you need to eat right.

Here is a set of exercises for correcting the double chin:

  1. Head tilt forward, then return to the starting position, tilt the head back. Return to the starting position again.

  2. Tilt your head forward, turn right, turn back, turn left. Return to the starting position. Repeat in the opposite direction.

  3. Head to reject back. Close tightly your mouth, counting to ten, relax. Return to the starting position.

  4. Head back up, lower lip to try to "get it" to the tip of the nose.

  5. The palm is pressed to the forehead, tilting the head back and straining the neck muscles to resist pressure. Perform for 10 seconds. Repeat the same thing, putting your hand to the back of your head.

The complex of exercises should be repeated every day, performing each 5-7 times. You can supplement this complex with a massage. For massage, take a slightly damp towel and, putting it under the chin, tighten with your hands. The middle section of the towel should lightly hit you on the chin. Repeat this action 10-15 times.

The result will appear in about three weeks - this is the minimum period necessary to give muscle tone. Be engaged regularly and the result will necessarily appear!

To maintain a good face shape, you need not be lazy and observe a few simple rules.

Always try to keep the correct posture. Do not keep your head too low, do not slouch.

Eat a healthy diet, trying to maintain the necessary balance of nutrients. In your diet should be more vegetables and fruits.

Long sitting at the computer does not contributepreserving the shape of the face. Be sure to take breaks while working at the computer. If possible, do a little exercise. For example, the same complex of exercises for correction of the chin can be performed in the office.

How to get rid of a double chin?
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