Joan K. Rolling "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"

In Hogwarts, the murderer made his way, on account of which there are a lot of lives and people, and wizards. To protect the school, the sinister guards of the Azkaban prison-dementors are invited.
Harry and his friends very soon find out why all the wizards are afraid of the Dementors, and Harry decides to find the killer.
The plot of the book tells how in the third year of magical training at Hogwarts, Harry and his friends are in danger and adventure. The escaped criminal from Azkaban wanders around somewhere.
To capture him, the Dementors are circling the cities. What does he need, after he, according to Minevra McGonagall, has licked Lily and James Potters? The new suspicious teacher of protection from the dark forces Rumus Lupine decided to help Harry and also teach to defend themselves against the Dementors.
Hagrid was instructed to lead lessons in the care of magical animals. In one of these exercises, the hypogrip of the Bleach has struck Draco Malfoy, defending himself against the stupid Slytherin and the animal has been sentenced to death.
Hermione and Harry made the transition in time. To save a few innocent lives.
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JK Rowling "Harry Potter and the Fiery Cup"

Dan Brown "The Da Vinci Code"

Joan K. Rolling "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

Harry Harrison "The Steel Rat"

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