Occupation accountant

Occupation accountant is one of the most important, since todaywithout it there is not a single enterprise. Representatives of this profession work on a special accounting system, which corresponds to the current legislation. The accountant monitors the timeliness of the payment of taxes and the financial condition of their enterprise.
The history of this profession goes back to the Incas, who had so-called kipukamayoki - officials involved in bookkeeping. Besides, accountants were in the Holy Roman Empire in the time of Emperor Maximilian I.
It is worth noting that the accountant profession does not exist in its pure form, since at enterprises, accountants work in different directions: foreign exchange operations, fixed assets, cash,warehouse, payroll and many others. As a rule, the chief accountant is responsible for the conduct of all cash transactions, however, in small firms, one person can answer for everything.
Accountant's responsibility is very high, because he is responsible for any errors in thecalculations. Therefore, qualified representatives of this profession who understand tax policy and all the subtleties of accounting are very respected people at the enterprise, as well as priceless employees.
One side The work of the accounting department is strictly controlled by the employer, and on the other - decrees and decrees of the Ministry of Finance. Quite often the requirements of the owner of an enterpriseand state bodies contradict each other. Therefore, the profession of accountant implies the ability to understand the law well, as well as the ability to communicate with the tax service.
Accountants need to keep in mind the entire financial picture of the enterprise, to clearly know how a particular transaction will affect the reporting and balance sheet.
As for the specifics of this profession, it has quite a few positive aspects. Occupation accountant is very in demand in the labor market, it also implies a standardized workerday. Very often, accountants have additional earnings, helping small businesses. Still worth noting is the presence of a huge number of educational institutions, where you can get all the necessary knowledge for this kind of activity.
but the accountant has some disadvantages. For example, legislation is changing quite welloften, in addition, there are contradictions in it, especially in the field of taxation and accounting. Quite often, bookkeepers have to follow orders from their superiors, even if they are not correct for a particular situation. Such activities are clearly regulated and do not leave any freedom for creativity. Also, the errors of accountants lead to fines and other sanctions.
It's worth mentioning personal qualities, which must necessarily have everyaccountant. First of all, it must be organized and accountable, since loss of a document or late submission of a report can be quite costly for an enterprise. Also it is necessary to note good knowledge of mathematics, because with figures the accountant faces daily, and only one error in the calculations can become fatal. Besides, Every member of this profession should have a high concentration of attention, diligence and scrupulousness. The accountant must have a very good memory, but special attention should be paid to the ability to remain silent, since accountants have to keep commercial secrets.