Birthday at work

Of course, it all depends on how your bosses relate to the sit-ins. Somewhere it is not at all customary to celebrate a birthdayat work, and all are limited to oral congratulations, and somewhere the birthday of each employee turns into a large corporate. Therefore, it is best to do as you do (if you work recently and do not know yet how you celebrate your birthday at work, find out the "regulations" in advance.
And in any case The authorities and colleagues should warn about the holiday in advance. The authorities - personally, and colleagues can andelectronic mailing. But, of course, a personal invitation is valued more, so if your colleagues are few - it's better not to be lazy and invite everyone separately. If you are going to stay in the office after work, be sure to warn the guards.
What are the options for celebrating a birthday at work? If you do not have parties at the office, you can bring a treat (cake, cakes, fruit) and treat them to colleagues, that they drank coffee or tea with him forworking day. It will not distract anyone from work and will not cause discontent on the part of the authorities. It is also suitable if you have several departments in the organization: you will celebrate with your department, and it is worthwhile to treat everyone (if, of course, your organization is not too big, and everyone knows each other).
If the authorities in principle do not mind that you celebrate your birthday at work, but asks not to do it during working hours, there are several options. Can get together at lunchtime and eat pizza with juice or drink tea withcake. Be sure to warn your colleagues beforehand so that they do not plan anything for the lunch time. Alcohol in this case is undesirable, you then still work. Maximum - a glass of champagne per person.
Can to sit and work after (in such cases, the authorities can sacrificehour or other working time, if there are no important and urgent cases). In this case, it is better to cover the table more potently - slicing, snacks, salads. You can put on the table and alcohol, only in this case you must first find out which of the colleagues that drinks, and who does not drink at all, to buy the right amount of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
After the celebration, do not forget to clean up after yourself - throw out the garbage and disposable dishes, take out the bottles, wipe the table. If you used dishes from the office kitchen, wash it immediately and do not leave until the morning.
Finally, You can go with colleagues in a cafe or restaurant, if you do not have a celebration at work,but you and your colleagues will not mind sitting together. However, in this case, the celebration will cost you more than if you just covered the table in the office. But if you have good relations with colleagues - why not?
And what if you are celebrating a birthday at work not you, but someone from your colleagues? How to behave collective? First of all, the question of a gift (especially if it is customary for a team to cover a festive table - it is necessary to somehow compensate the expenses of a birthday person). The main options are two-fold and give an envelope with money or buy a gift.
The gift is good because you show your indifference to a colleague: you spent your personal time to choose and buy a gift. But This option is suitable only if you know exactly what to give. Agree, it is unlikely that a coffee maker, even the most "heaped up", will please a person who drinks exclusively green tea and mineral water.
So if you do not know your colleague well enough, whose birthday is going to be celebrated, it is better to stop on a neutral option - money. But an envelope with money is better to be supplemented with a postcard with wishes, and if a girl's birthday, then also a bouquet of flowers. Money will be spent, and the postcard will remain and will remind you of the holiday.