The first working day: how to survive?First work day on a new job in most casesturns into stress: new people, new rules, new responsibilities. How to make a good impression on colleagues and superiors and make sure that the first working day was the most successful?

Before you go to work, it's worth it again to clarify with an aychar (or someone who performs his duties), when you need to be in the office, who will meet you and other nuances. It is best to do this the day before going to work, then not to shake, thinking, but did not have time to change anything.

On the first working day on a new job it costsRemember that they are usually met not by reason, but by clothes. Coming to an interview, you probably paid attention to the dress code accepted by the company, so try dress accordingly. It is best to observe the golden mean and dress not too frankly, but at the same time not too strictly.

On your first working day You need to be punctual (in principle, this applies to all working days, butthe first - in particular). It is better to leave a little earlier, but to arrive on time, than to be late and earn a reputation as a non-punctual employee (remember, the first impression is often the strongest).

Usually the first working day of a beginner begins with official registration for work: you write a job application,sign a labor contract and job description, get acquainted with the internal regulations. Do not forget to bring all the documents necessary for official registration to work. The list of documents should be specified in advance.

Note: the employment contract is signed in duplicate, one of them (the original, not a copy) is given to youon hands. Be sure to read the contract, do not sign it without looking. If on the first business day you were not offered to sign a contract, this should be done within three days. But in any case, your assumption of office is equal to the conclusion of an employment contract orally. The entry in the workbook must be made within 5 days of the date of employment.

After that, you should Show your workplace and meet colleagues. At this point, it is worthwhile to find out how in thisthe company is accepted to eat (whether there is a dining room or a common kitchen, whether colleagues eat lunch together, etc.), clarify the nuances of the dress code, briefly learn about the traditions of the team. By the way, if the company decided to dine together, be sure to take this opportunity: so you can communicate with colleagues in an informal atmosphere and quickly join the team.

At all, Communicate with colleagues should not be neglected: they are sure to be interested in a new employee. Be open, try to learn more about the corporate culture (for example, how colleagues address each other, whether it is customary to celebrate birthdays and other holidays in the collective). But communication should not interfere with the work: if your sociability prevents you and colleagues from performing work duties, you are unlikely to remain satisfied.

Well, if on the first working day you will succeed meet with the immediate supervisor, which will introduce you to the course. Feel free to show interest and ask questions. You can even express your opinion, suggestions, but be cautious: an open criticism of the company on the first day at work can get you sideways. Do not try to demonstrate all your education, experience and professionalism at once - you better show them in the work.

But The curator will dedicate you in detail to the subtleties of your duties.: the person who worked in this position before you,or, if he is not, a colleague who performs similar duties. Try to find out all that is possible right away. It is desirable to record the most important points: do not expect that such a large amount of information you can remember the first time. Do not be afraid to clarify, ask again. It is better that you ask once again on the first working day, when your ignorance is in the order of things, than later you will screw up and you will sort out the consequences.

Even if the first working day has not gone quite smoothly, do not despair: you always have the opportunity to change everything for the better. Just be yourself - and it will work out!

The first working day: how to survive?
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