Work without deception: how not to fall for the bait?

Employment usually begins with sendingresumes and interviews. There are things that should alert you even at this stage. For example, if for an interview you are offered to call a number starting with the digits 0-900 or 0-703, then you will have to pay for the call. A potential employer can offer you to call a city number, but when you call, an answering machine will respond with a suggestion to call back everything on the same paid number. If you are looking for a job without cheating, then it's better not to mess with such phone scammers.
The announcement of a competition for a position is also one of the options for employer fraud. Candidates are offered to create a certain project(room design, website, drawing) or perform a test task (type or write text, make a translation). Then the applicants are announced that they have not passed the contest, and the results of their work are used with might and main without paying a penny. Of course, the test task itself does not mean that you want to be deceived, sometimes it really is necessary to evaluate your qualification. Therefore, if you want to find a job without cheating, pay attention to the fact that the test task should be typical, not particularly specific, really trial in the literal sense.
Suspicion and uncomplicated work at home - gluing envelopes, assembling ballpoint pens anddisks, Internet surfing, filling out various forms, working with databases, typing. In many cases, you will either not be paid for a "trial" amount of work, or you will require initial cash investments to guarantee your honesty, and then find a way to not return this money. And in the case of web surfing and filling out questionnaires, you often get a scanty amount at a great time. In the case of such activities, it is almost impossible to find a job without deceit.
When looking for work without cheating, it is worthwhileattention to the job description and promising prospects. Too pretentious and untrue title of the post (for example, "IT specialist" instead of "computer typing operator"), often backed up by a corporate visiting card, often implies low pay and insignificance of the post. The employer can promise you the opportunity of training and career growth - supposedly your post will eventually correspond to the inscription on the business card, but this is unlikely to happen.
Let's say that at this stage your employer does notcauses distrust, and you are still recruited. Most likely, you will be given a trial period. What should I look for in this case, in order to get a job without fraud? You should be alerted to a free probationary period - in this case you will not pass it, and another trustful competitor will take your place. There is no credibility and too long probation period with low pay (50% or lower of the rate). After such a probationary period, regular work is also usually not formalized. By law, the trial period can not exceed three months (for responsible positions - six).
When it comes time to receive a salary, an unscrupulous employer can deceive its employees in several ways. If the salary is paid in envelopes, it can be given out in small bills. Outwardly it will seem significant, but when you do itcount, you will see that you did not pay a large sum - and the boss has already left home. Of course, such a strategy is short-lived, but it is sometimes used.
A common excuse for problems with paying wages may be "temporary difficulties", with which every dishonest employercopes in its own way. For example, he assigns a salary to a US dollar, and then it turns out that due to problems at the firm, its internal rate is lower, than in the Central Bank. Therefore, the real salary is lower than the declared salary. At the same time you are assured that the difference will be paid later. May be.
Some employers delay salaries forseveral months, promising to pay the debt over time. Thus, they do not allow employees to leave: when they leave, they do not pay their salary debts, so employees work patiently for free in anticipation of mythical payments. As an option - you can pay wages on time for several months in a row, while not paying the debt in the past months. Over time, this debt is forgotten and comes down to the employer. Sometimes due to "temporary difficulties" the salary is not paid at all - this strategy is used by charismatic employers, which cause trust and bribe charm.
When looking for work without cheating, be attentive to the offered bonuses. Service laptop, unlimited Internet andcorporate mobile phone - this is undoubtedly good. But they must supplement the salary, and not replace it. Moreover, most bonuses do not cost the employer a penny, but are barter for the services rendered to them. The same can apply to gift certificates and certificates for large amounts, issued instead of wages, and not in addition to it. Bonuses are not bad, but if you want to get a job without cheating, remember: salary is paramount, bonuses are secondary.
If you want to find a job without cheating, pay attention to the following "alarm bells":
Find a job without cheating is very real, if you are careful and know the basic strategies of fraud by unscrupulous employers.

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The announcement of a competition for a position is also one of the options for employer fraud. Candidates are offered to create a certain project(room design, website, drawing) or perform a test task (type or write text, make a translation). Then the applicants are announced that they have not passed the contest, and the results of their work are used with might and main without paying a penny. Of course, the test task itself does not mean that you want to be deceived, sometimes it really is necessary to evaluate your qualification. Therefore, if you want to find a job without cheating, pay attention to the fact that the test task should be typical, not particularly specific, really trial in the literal sense.
Suspicion and uncomplicated work at home - gluing envelopes, assembling ballpoint pens anddisks, Internet surfing, filling out various forms, working with databases, typing. In many cases, you will either not be paid for a "trial" amount of work, or you will require initial cash investments to guarantee your honesty, and then find a way to not return this money. And in the case of web surfing and filling out questionnaires, you often get a scanty amount at a great time. In the case of such activities, it is almost impossible to find a job without deceit.
When looking for work without cheating, it is worthwhileattention to the job description and promising prospects. Too pretentious and untrue title of the post (for example, "IT specialist" instead of "computer typing operator"), often backed up by a corporate visiting card, often implies low pay and insignificance of the post. The employer can promise you the opportunity of training and career growth - supposedly your post will eventually correspond to the inscription on the business card, but this is unlikely to happen.
Let's say that at this stage your employer does notcauses distrust, and you are still recruited. Most likely, you will be given a trial period. What should I look for in this case, in order to get a job without fraud? You should be alerted to a free probationary period - in this case you will not pass it, and another trustful competitor will take your place. There is no credibility and too long probation period with low pay (50% or lower of the rate). After such a probationary period, regular work is also usually not formalized. By law, the trial period can not exceed three months (for responsible positions - six).
When it comes time to receive a salary, an unscrupulous employer can deceive its employees in several ways. If the salary is paid in envelopes, it can be given out in small bills. Outwardly it will seem significant, but when you do itcount, you will see that you did not pay a large sum - and the boss has already left home. Of course, such a strategy is short-lived, but it is sometimes used.
A common excuse for problems with paying wages may be "temporary difficulties", with which every dishonest employercopes in its own way. For example, he assigns a salary to a US dollar, and then it turns out that due to problems at the firm, its internal rate is lower, than in the Central Bank. Therefore, the real salary is lower than the declared salary. At the same time you are assured that the difference will be paid later. May be.
Some employers delay salaries forseveral months, promising to pay the debt over time. Thus, they do not allow employees to leave: when they leave, they do not pay their salary debts, so employees work patiently for free in anticipation of mythical payments. As an option - you can pay wages on time for several months in a row, while not paying the debt in the past months. Over time, this debt is forgotten and comes down to the employer. Sometimes due to "temporary difficulties" the salary is not paid at all - this strategy is used by charismatic employers, which cause trust and bribe charm.
When looking for work without cheating, be attentive to the offered bonuses. Service laptop, unlimited Internet andcorporate mobile phone - this is undoubtedly good. But they must supplement the salary, and not replace it. Moreover, most bonuses do not cost the employer a penny, but are barter for the services rendered to them. The same can apply to gift certificates and certificates for large amounts, issued instead of wages, and not in addition to it. Bonuses are not bad, but if you want to get a job without cheating, remember: salary is paramount, bonuses are secondary.
If you want to find a job without cheating, pay attention to the following "alarm bells":
- You are promised a high income with minimal effort
- you need to make an initial monetary investment
- you are not asked to confirm your qualifications
- you are asked to attract other candidates for money
- contact information on the employer's website is invalid
- you are asked to pay for a salary card
Find a job without cheating is very real, if you are careful and know the basic strategies of fraud by unscrupulous employers.

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