How to sew a children's bib with their own hands: a pattern and a photo master class
It's always nice to wear things made by yourhands - you are sure of every centimeter of material, in every seam and detail. And clothes and things for young children are the most delicate and require special attention.
For example, bibs for children can be sewn on their own - it's quite easy, even if you do only the first steps in sewing, it will not take much time and will not require large expenses.
HaveWell, not to mention the fact that the creation of any thing is always a creative process and brings pleasure in itself, this thing will not only be beautiful, but also made with love, is it not the most important thing?
With our photo master-class you will learn how to sew a bib for a child in just four steps.
Pattern for homemade baby bib:
To sew a bib with your own hands, you will need:
- Pattern;
- 2 cut of flannel tissue - for facial andback of the bib (it is not necessary to take cuts of the same color - usually for a "hidden" part one can choose a monofilament fabric, and for an "outside" one choose a cloth of calm colors, but necessarily with patterns or patterns: this will interest the baby who will be his wear, but not overexcite it.
In the photo in this manual, an example of such a fabric,decorated with images of toy animals - puppies and cubs. In principle, you can use and not the flannel, but the fabric should be fairly dense and soft);
- thread in the tone of the fabric;
- scissors; - safety pins;
- one large button (in order to fixbib on a child. It is possible to use instead of it a "two-part" sticker (also called "burdock") - in principle, such a velcro is less reliable, because it wears out rather quickly, but is safer - after all, the button consists of metal, which is not very good for baby stuff).
- sealant for fabric (it will not be superfluous in any case, but it is necessary if you have chosen the option with the button.) It is better to take the sealant on an adhesive basis).
We sew bibs for children with our own hands: photo master class
Step 1. Print out the pattern (see above) and cut a piece of flannel on it first for the back, then for the front of the bib. Place the element cut out for the rear part in the reverse side.
Step 2. (if you chose a button or if you want to tighten the fastener anyway). In this master class, a variation of the bib with the button is shown, and if you do the same, cut out pieces of the seal of the appropriate shape and size (you can use the same pattern for this) and place them on the two narrowest parts of your product.
Attach it to the underside of the fabric. Usually, the seals are made on an adhesive basis, and they should be ironed for fixing; if you used a "simple" type of seal, wait until the next step and just sew it together with two layers of fabric. For zamuchka-"Velcro" this step is not necessary.
Step 3. Cut out the fabric for the front of the bib, attach it to the existing design - both pieces should ideally match, - and secure with pins. Then sew on the sewing machine with a stitch-zigzag, making sure that the margin from the edges does not exceed a quarter of a centimeter.
Step 4. (only if you chose the option with the button). Attach the button. The photo shows that it should be placed closer to the end of the narrowest part of the fabric. The button can be attached to the fabric with a hammer or large pliers.
Author: Katerina Sergeenko