Child's temperature in summer

The rise in temperature is one of the first signs of a large number of diseases. We are used to experiencing an increase in temperature mainly during the cold season, but increased child's temperature in summer - not such a rare phenomenon. Why does a child have a fever in summer?
The risk of getting colds, sore throats or pharyngitis in the summer is not much lower than at any other time of the year. In summer, the immunity of the child will not become high in itself: the child's immune system needs to be strengthened, otherwise he risks falling ill no matter what the weather is on the street.
It's enough to overcool in the summer: prolonged swimming in water, colddrinks, ice cream, air conditioners - all this can lead to respiratory diseases, which are accompanied, among other things, by fever. Also in the summer, a child can become infected with virtually any infection, from measles to chickenpox, and any infection is accompanied by fever.
Often children fall ill in the first days at the resort, when all the forces of the organism are directed towardacclimatization, and the body is no longer able to fight the virus. The risk of getting sick is increased if the climate in the resort is different from that to which the child is accustomed at home. Therefore, it is better not to carry small children to exotic countries.
If the child's fever in summerit is caused by infection, it is necessary to follow the general recommendations: subfebrile temperature can not be knocked down, and for knocking down heat it is necessary to use only special medicines intended for children.
For prevention of infectious diseases in the summer You must ensure that the child does not bathe too much.long in water. Do not let your child drink ice-cold drinks (only cool), make sure that he does not abuse ice cream. Dressing a child is necessary for the weather: it is not too easy, but it should not be eaten.
However, the temperature rise in a child in the summer can be a sign not only of an infection that struck the body due to hypothermia, but also an entirely opposite problem - overheating and even heat stroke. Overheating and heat stroke in a child can be accompanied not only by fever, but also by reddening of the skin, profuse sweating, headache, lethargy, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting.
In this case, you urgently need to provide the child with the firsthelp: move it into the shade, remove excess clothing, give copious drink (if the child is conscious), wash with cool water or make a cool compress. At loss of consciousness it is necessary to give to smell the cotton wool moistened with ammonia. And do not forget to call an ambulance!
To avoid overheating and subsequent heat stroke, it is necessary to put the child in light clothes fromnatural fabrics, also the child needs a headdress. You should also take water for a walk and regularly water your baby - this will help to avoid dehydration. The child should not be in the open sun during the day (approximately from 11 am to 5 pm), at this time it is better to play in the shade.
Also Elevated temperature may be a sign of poisoning or intestinal infection, that in the summer is not uncommon: bathing in dirty water, drinking raw water or poorly washed fruits and vegetables - all this can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the fever will be accompanied by pain in the abdomen, lethargy and weakness, a loose stool, vomiting. In this case, you urgently need to call a doctor: it is difficult to distinguish between ordinary food poisoning from an acute intestinal infection. And while the doctor is going, provide the child with peace and plenty of drink to make up for the loss of fluids. To reduce the temperature, you can use rubbing with water and alcohol.
So, if in the summer your child jumpedtemperature, the reasons can be different. If the temperature is below 38.5 degrees, you do not need to knock it down. If higher - use antipyretics specially designed for children, and strictly observe the dosage. In any case, you need to call a doctor: it will accurately determine the cause of the fever in the child and prescribe the appropriate treatment. But self-medication can not be done.