New Year's children's festive tableIf you celebrate the New Year as a big company with children, it makes sense to cover a separate table for them. What should be the New Year's children's festive table? Let's try to figure it out.

Deciding what will be the New Year's table for children, You need to consider two main points: the menu and the layout. Some dishes from an adult table to children are notthey are too heavy for their stomachs. A serving of the children's table should be bright and unusual. Let's dwell on each component of the festive table for children for the New Year a little more.

Children's festive table: serving and decoration

To serve the festive table it is better to attractthemselves children - so they feel like a small masters. But everything you need for serving is best prepared in advance. Start with the tablecloth. Many people are afraid to make a tablecloth, thinking that the children will get it dirty, but there is nothing to be afraid of with modern washing powders. A table covered with oilcloth or not covered at all, the feeling of a holiday will not exactly create. therefore place a bright tablecloth on the table, which will immediately give a New Year's mood.

Mandatory and napkins: paper - to wipe, and fabric - to bed on his knees. Buy paper napkins with funny drawings,and from the fabric fold up the original figures or at least put on them bright ringlets made from threaded beads. And you can use bright edible bracelets from sweets as rings.

As for the dishes. Dear service on a children's festive table is better not to put: children can inadvertently break anything. It is better to put everyday utensils, but combined with each other in color and shape. Alternatively, use plastic dishes. These are not disposable plates, butusual, but made not of glass or porcelain, but of durable plastic intended for hot food. Such plates are bright, beautiful, festive, but at the same time practical.

As decorations on the table, you can put a small Christmas songs, figures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. And here Candles should not be used as decorations - shlya, children can turn them around, and a fire on New Year's Eve is not the best entertainment.

Children's festive table: dishes

Not all dishes, which are eaten by adults on New Year's Eve, should be placed on a children's festive table. In popular New Year's salads, there are often manymayonnaise, for the children's stomach they are too fatty, spicy and heavy. So it is better for children to cook healthier salads. If you use bright vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, colorful sweet peppers - your salads for children will look very bright and festive.

Try not to use vinegar, mayonnaise and spices for cooking. Fried dishes should preferably be baked -they are more useful. Limit the use of canned peas and corn in salads. Do not put too many smoked products on the table, instead of them, it is better to offer boiled ham or ham as meat snacks. Smoked fish choose not cold smoking, but hot: for cooking hot smoked fish, "liquid smoke" is not used. Do not use food that is a potential allergen to cook food.

It is very important to decorate New Year's dishes for children, because To make the dish seem appetizing to a child, it should look beautiful. If you make sandwiches - use for themcutting out a cookie cutter. Salads can be decorated with mouses, birds or mushrooms from boiled eggs. In general, children are more attracted not by the complexity of the dish and the number of ingredients, but by the number of ingredients. Try to put on the table are familiar to children food: many do not dare to try a dish they do not know. And if you are preparing new dishes, use only products familiar to children.

What kind of drinks are better to serve for children's New Year's Eve?table? Usually parents are bought "soda", but it is better not to use carbonated drinks: their large number can cause problems with the stomach or allergies. It is better to put on the table juices, fruit drinks and stewed fruit. An exception can be made for a bottle of children's champagne, so that everything is "as in adults." Glasses for drinks can be decorated in advance with "hoarfrost", dipping their edges in sugar syrup.

So, New Year's children's festive table should be useful and beautiful - these are the two main requirements. Be creative and give your child and his friends an unforgettable holiday!

New Year's children's festive table
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