Scenario of the holiday on March 8The beginning of spring is often associated with such aa wonderful holiday, like March 8th. First and foremost, it is a holiday for all mothers, so the task of children is to congratulate your beloved mothers. In this article, we offer several interesting scenarios for the celebration on March 8 at school.

Scenario of the holiday on March 8 at school

March 8 is a feast of femininity and tenderness. Therefore, the central figures in the festive performance are, of course, girls. That is why one of the most successful scenarios of a children's school holiday is a beauty contest. In advance, about a week before the holiday, the children prepare invitations with their own hands and send them to all guests. Since most of the assignments fall on the shoulders of the girls, the boys will answer for making and sending invitations.

First of all, you need to prepare propsfor the competition. Cut cardboard round plates with model numbers. They will be attached to their hands with the help of rubber bands. Then each model needs to prepare several outfits in different styles. For example, a defile can consist of three parts: a show of ball dresses, business-style outfits and beach attire. As an alternative to the classic defile, you can also offer this option: girls will have to create an outfit of the proposed materials (fabrics, paper, cellophane, etc.). In order to make an outfit, the girls are given about half an hour, and at this time the audience is entertained by boys with the help of anecdotes and funny stories.

Scenario of the holiday on March 8

At the end of half an hour the girls show theirdresses, for which the jury puts each participant points. Next comes the turn of the hairstyle. Girls are given little time and are given tools for styling, ribbons, elastic bands, hair clips, combs. Beauty, who coped with this difficult task best, gets the highest score and prize. In addition, the girls can offer interesting logical problems, for the decision of which the jury will present to each participant the appropriate scores.

While the jury calculates the final scores, the girlscan refresh themselves at the sweet table. Be sure to take care of filling it. It can bake cookies, cakes and homemade cakes, fruits, small sandwiches, pizza and juice. After a short break comes the solemn ceremony of awarding the winner of the beauty contest. At the same time, a diadem is put on the head of a beautiful woman and a small nice present is given out.

Scenario of the holiday on March 8

Scenario matinee, dedicated to March 8 at school

Morning in the school is filled with a special atmosphere andremembered to students for life. Therefore, the participation and assistance of parents in their organization is simply obligatory. We offer one of the most interesting scenery of the matinee in honor of the 8th of March. After a small introduction of the audience leading to the stage, children come out and play a small sketch, during which the audience are told wonderful and touching poems about my mother. Then you can hold several competitions that will create a friendly and warm atmosphere in the hall.

The first contest is called "Dobaegi to the finish withball ". Each runner should pinch between the balloon's feet and jump as quickly as possible to reach the finish. The winner will be the one who will do it most quickly and without losing the ball on the road. This contest is very funny and funny, so it will perfectly discharge the situation in the hall if it is somewhat tense. The second contest is more like a game and is called "Wish". Boys write girls wishes on the sheets anonymously and attach a candy to them. Then everything is added up in one bag and the girls take turns to pull the wishes.

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