How to choose winter children's clothes?

So the winter came. And although there is still no snow and strong frosts, it's time to take care of your kid's winter wardrobe. When buying winter children's clothes for preschool children, parents face a difficult choice. What to prefer: overalls or a set of jackets and panties, synthetic or natural insulators? In addition, children grow very quickly, which means that it is unlikely to buy a thing for several seasons, and many parents quite rightly believe that buying too expensive things for one season is not economical. What should I look for when choosing children's winter clothes?

To begin with, consider the options winter clothes for newborns. During the Soviet Union, virtually allmothers used "envelopes" - folded in the form of an envelope with warm blankets. Since then, the envelopes have gone far ahead. Modern envelopes are made in the form of sleeping bags, they have a lot of fasteners, allowing you to adjust the size, can easily fold and unfold. Envelope can be completely unbuttoned and turn it into a litter, blanket, rug. In addition, modern envelopes are convenient to use in car seats, as they have slots for seat belts.

Make envelope models also with hoodsand sleeves, so that the crumb could actively move the handles, and for the toddlers, the lower part of such envelopes is executed a little wider than the top and is picked up from the front. Materials for envelopes use different: sintepon, artificial fur, fleece, fluff.

When the baby grows up and starts walking alone, then one envelope can not do. And then before many mothers and fathers the question arises: that is better overalls or a set of jackets and panties?

The overalls are good because they do not need it all the timepull or worry that the child is blowing the wind. Jumpsuit is also convenient for moms - it is easy to wear, and knowing about the dislike of children for long fees, this is a very important factor. But the overall becomes uncomfortable when the child has already moved from diapers to a pot. Remove it when the child wants to use the toilet, longer than just panties. In addition, the overalls, if only it is not separate, is only for one season, for the next season it will be just small for the child. From this point of view, the jacket and pants are more practical. Thanks to the lapels, they can be worn two or even three seasons.

When choosing a coveralls or jackets, you should pay attention to such characteristics:

  • from what the product is made;

  • Is it easy to wash it;

  • how much the child will be comfortable in it.

For manufacturing and overalls and jackets, manufacturers often use synthetic materials issoftware and holofayber, goose down or, fashionable now, membrane tissue. Synthetic materials are very convenient in care,they can be washed in a washing machine, their products are light and comfortable. Overalls and jackets on goose down, of course, are also warm, but care for them is more difficult, down can fall off during machine washing, and they dry longer.

Children are very mobile, so winter clothing is notIt should not restrict their movements. When choosing a model for your baby, you should pay attention to the neck, sleeves, trousers. The collar must be standing up to cover the child's throat, but he should not rest on the chin, bite, or somehow interfere. Cuffs sleeves should fit tightly to the hands, but it is not that they are too tight. It's also a good idea to choose a model with buckles for fastening the mittens so that the baby does not lose them.

Snow should not fall on the trousers, so in many models there arerubber-strokes, which are convenient for any footwear. You can not forget about the hood when choosing a model of overalls or jackets. The hood should not be too small, otherwise the cap will not fit into it, but it is not too big - it will fall down. It is better that the hood fit to the head is regulated. If you choose a child for a jacket, give preference to a jacket about the middle of the thigh, so that it covers well the back and ass of your crumb.

When choosing your winter clothes, do not forget check working capacity all lightning and fasteners. They should in no case be seized or otherwise easily fastened. And big trinkets or hoods with zippers will help to fasten them, even without removing gloves.

By the way, if your child is a terrible fidget, then models with special sealed inserts in the area of ​​the knees and elbows.

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