How to tie a newborn's overalls: charts and step-by-step instructions

Being in anticipation of replenishment in the family, the futuremom begins to prepare clothes for her baby. If you have skills in knitting, you can make warm clothes with your own hands. In it, the newborn will be comfortable and cozy. But most importantly - the warmth of the mother's hands, love and care, which will be filled with a child's thing. It is not so difficult to tie a newborn's knitting needles if there is a desire and a little patience.

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How to tie a newborn's overalls: charts and step-by-step instructions

Before proceeding to the very process of knitting,it is necessary to prepare the required materials, consider the model, determine the type of thread, color. If the sex of the child is unknown, it is advisable to prefer neutral shades: yellow, green and others. Overalls for babies are different. They can have socks, a hood or not have them. If the date of birth of the baby falls on the autumn period, it is recommended to make closed warm clothes.

Note: It should be remembered that small children grow very quickly, so it is worth knitting things "for growth". Otherwise, the child will be able to wear clothes no more than a couple of months.

It is desirable to make the rubber longer, in order to be able to turn it away. When the baby is older, the lapels straighten. It is easiest to knit on circular knitting needles.

Knitting pattern for a kid's overalls

It is recommended to first choose a scheme, and then, guided by it, to take up the skill. Below is a master class for beginners.

First the panties are done. Each of them is bound individually.

How to tie a newborn's overalls: charts and step-by-step instructions

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. On the spokes are typed 27 loops and two edge, is tied with a 3 cm rubber band 1x1.

  2. In the last row, 13 loops are added evenly.

  3. Then 16 cm pattern is executed (according to the scheme).

  4. Both legs are joined by adding 3 loops in the middle. Having reached the height of 25 cm, they are closed, and then 16 cm of each piece are carried out separately.

  5. The armholes are executed from both edges by closing 5 loops each. It is enough to tie up to 52 cm.

Back and pant legs ready, now turn the frontparts. It is similar to the back, except for the incision. The patches are made by closing 2х7 loops from two edges. At the same level, the throat is made (close 17 loops in the middle, and then in both directions 3х5 loops).

How to tie a newborn's overalls: charts and step-by-step instructions

For the coquette, there are 85 loops and two extreme ones,then they are tied with garter stitch. Then the pattern is executed according to the scheme (3 cm), after which 5 loops are closed on both sides. Then another 6 cm is sewn, and then the central 13 loops are closed and at each end it gradually decreases one by one. It is enough 14 cm high in flax.

To get the sleeves, on the spokes should be typed 42 loops and two edge. Actions are:

  1. The elastic band 1х1 - 3 cm.

  2. Evenly added 12 points and then the pattern is cut out according to the scheme.

  3. Sleeves completed after reaching 19 cm.

Note: This model can be used to select another pattern at your own discretion.

How to tie a newborn's overalls: charts and step-by-step instructions How to tie a newborn's overalls: charts and step-by-step instructions

Knitting pattern for a newborn baby with knitting needles: assembly

How to tie a newborn's overalls: charts and step-by-step instructions

When all the parts are ready, you can proceedassembly. But first it is recommended to soak them and let dry. The coquette is sewn to the front. Then the shoulder seams are made, the sleeves are attached. To obtain the slats, hinges are taken along the edges of the cut and are knitted 2 cm. On the left, it is necessary to make holes for the buttons. The neck must also be tied with an elastic band.

How to tie a newborn's overalls: charts and step-by-step instructions

Knitting with needles: overalls for newborns

There are a great many models of overalls for babies. The main requirement to be adhered to is to provide comfort, freedom and warmth for the baby.

When choosing a pattern, it is important to pay attention to the fact,The panties were not too narrow, because you need to consider the place for the diaper. Uniqueness will give a complex pattern: mesh, bundles, bumps and others. If the clothing is seamed, they should be external to cause harm to the baby's delicate skin. For summer and winter clothing, the threads are selected appropriate. For wearing in the warm season is welcome free binding, in the cold - dense. For winter, you can take care of the presence of a hood. Lightning, buttons, various ornaments - the choice is great enough.

You can quickly make clothes for a baby because its size is almost puppet. Therefore, much time will not be required.

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