What do you need to have in the nursery first aid kit?In the house should always be at hand the mostnecessary medical preparations for the baby. For the treatment of a child, only "child" medicines should be used, the dosage of the active ingredients in which is safe for the child's body.

What exactly is necessary to have in the nursery first aid kit?

In the children's medicine cabinet should be:

  • Antipyretic drugs: it is good, if in the medicine cabinet there will be one remedy forbased paracetamol, for example, a children's "Panadol" and one tool based on ibuprofen, for example, "Nurofen." You can also buy rectal antipyretic candles for children (Efferalgan).

  • Painkillers: "Nurofen" or "Panadol" with dental, head or traumatic pains, "No-Shpa" with muscle spasms.

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs in ARI: "Aflubin" "Anaferon child", drugs from painin the throat, from a cough, for example, sprays "Ingalipt" or "Tantum Verde", for older children lozenges for resorption - "Pharyngocept" and the like drugs.

  • Nasal preparations: drops "Nazivin", "Nazol Baby", "Rinazolin".

  • Eye preparations: eye drops "Albucid", tinctures of medicinal herbs for treatment.

  • Earplugs: otipax helps with otipax.

  • Remedies for insect bites: "Ledum", "Corvalol", "Vital", calendula tincture.

  • Antiallergic drugs: tablets "Suprastin" or "Tavegil", ointment of external application "Fenistil".

  • Preparations for digestive disorders: laxatives ("Regulax"), drugsfrom diarrhea (for example, activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel, Bactisubtil, Regidron, Furazolidol), from intestinal colic (Espumizan, dill water, fennel-based preparations).

  • Means used for teething: tooth rings, preparations "Calgel", "Hamomilla".

  • Antiseptic preparations: iodine, zelenka, furatsilin, medicines for burns (for example, "Panthenol"), manganese, ammonia, common alcohol.

  • Auxiliary materials: bandage, cotton wool, sterile wipes, aspirator, syringing, gas pipe, thermometer (for the youngest is better electronic), pipettes, syringes, enema with a soft blunt tip.

  • Means for skin care for baby: baby cream, powder, cream from diaper rash, for example, "Bepanten".

In the children's first-aid kit is also requiredenter the drugs that the baby is treated for chronic diseases, or drugs that are vital to the child. Use all medications according to the instructions, carefully monitor the expiration date of the medicines, do not prescribe the antibiotics yourself! And remember, the first-aid kit is only needed to provide first aid, and not for self-treatment. Only a competent doctor can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment!

What do you need to have in the nursery first aid kit?
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