Treatment of influenza and SARS in adults at home: low-cost drugs and folk remedies. Doctor Komarovsky's advice on how to treat influenza in children

Treatment of influenza and colds isThe problem that every second family faces every year. The peak of epidemics falls on autumn and spring. When the first symptoms are detected, the patient's main mistake is to assume that "everything will pass by itself" without taking medications. Influenza and SARS can cause serious complications in adults and children:

  1. On the lungs (pneumonia, bronchitis);

  2. On ears, a throat and a nose (an otitis, a genyantritis, a sinusitis, an angina);

  3. On the nervous system and joints (rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgic diseases in adults).

Avoid these and other diseases can only be due to timely measures taken.

Features of treatment of influenza and ARVI in the home

Treatment of influenza and SARS in adults at home: low-cost drugs and folk remedies. Doctor Komarovsky's advice on how to treat influenza in children

Recommendations for the treatment and relief of flu symptoms at home include:

  1. Observance of pastel mode, prohibition of physicalactivity for the period of the flu. The body experiences a heavy load, so you need to observe peace even adults before the temperature drops to normal.

  2. A plentiful warm drink. The measure necessary to combat intoxication of the body.

  3. Airing. The effectiveness of treatment of influenza and SARS in the home will increase if you periodically ventilate the room and conduct wet cleaning. If possible, you can conduct quartz or ionization of air (including with essential oils).

  4. Food. In the treatment of influenza in adults and children, the diet is not the least important. It is recommended to include:

    • chicken broth (anti-inflammatory effect),

    • meat, nuts and grains (contain zinc),

    • citrus (to activate the immune system),

    • products with vitamins C, E, B6, B12, as well as containing beta-carotene and flavonoids.

For the time of treatment of the flu, exclude from the menu coffee, alcohol, sweet and fatty foods, foods with preservatives.

Treatment of influenza and ARVI: inexpensive drugs and analogues of expensive drugs

Treatment of influenza and SARS in adults at home: low-cost drugs and folk remedies. Doctor Komarovsky's advice on how to treat influenza in children

For the treatment of colds in adults andchildren use antiviral drugs against influenza, immunomodulators and means for symptomatic therapy. Drugs of the first and second type are necessary to suppress the reproduction of viruses, the second - to alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

The expensive medications prescribed by the doctor for treatmentinfluenza in adults and children can be replaced by cheap analogs. It is easy to do this, knowing the active substance. Before buying a medicine, carefully study the composition and make sure that you are not allergic to auxiliary components. For effective treatment of influenza and SARS, inexpensive drugs will do:

  1. Grippferon (240-300 rub.) - nasal drops. To treat influenza, adults are prescribed 3 drops up to 6 times a day, children under 1 year - 1 drop to 5 times a day, children under 14 years - 2 drops 4 times a day. The medicine is suitable for pregnant women.

  2. Interferon (80-130 rubles.). The medicine is available as a solution or powder. When the first symptoms of influenza appear in adults and children, it is dripped 5 drops up to 8 times a day.

  3. Kagocel (220-250 rubles.). For medicamentous therapy, adults are prescribed 2 tablets 3 times a day for the first 2 days of the illness, the next 2 days - 1 tablet 3 times a day.

  4. Oksolinovaya ointment (17-40 rubles.). Effective prophylactic medicine for influenza. To treat a cold in adults and children a small amount of money is poured into each nostril 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days.

  5. Ibuprofen (from 15 rubles.) Analog of the drug "Nurofen". The drug is taken for symptomatic treatment of influenza and ARVI in adults as an antipyretic.

  6. Ambroxol (30-40 rub.) Facilitates sputum discharge, is used for dry and wet cough.

  7. Arpeflu (180-280 rubles.) - an analogue of the drug "Arbidol". To treat influenza and cold at the initial stage should take 200 mg every 6 hours (only 4 times a day) for 5 days (for adults). When the flu is started after 5 days of taking the medicine, take 200 mg once a week for a month.

  8. Rinza (80-160 rubles.) - an analogue of the drugs "Antigrippin", "Teraflu" and "Ferveks." It is used to alleviate the symptoms of influenza and ARVI.

Treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infection with proven folk remedies

Treatment of influenza and SARS in adults at home: low-cost drugs and folk remedies. Doctor Komarovsky's advice on how to treat influenza in children

In the complex treatment of colds inhousehold facilities are effective folk remedies. In some cases, they can completely replace medications from influenza in the early days of the disease. For example, many are familiar with compresses from a foot bath with mustard. A highly effective procedure along with medications helps in the treatment of colds and flu, colds, wet and dry cough. Reduces pain in the throat and milk, mixed with honey and a small amount of butter. The composition removes irritation, softens and relieves pain. It is advisable to take heated up to 60 degrees (no higher) before going to bed.

Other effective folk remedies for flu and cold treatment:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. crushed dry St. John's wort, you need to pour 250 ml. boiling water and insist 1-2 hours. In the strained infusion, add bee honey and drink 0.5 cups. Repeat 2-3 times a day.

  2. Grated garlic (a few denticles) mixed in half with honey and take 2 tsp a day, with boiled water at room temperature.

  3. Cut or chop the bulb and inhale its vapors for 1-2 minutes 3 times a day. Good prevention for adults during the epidemic.

  4. When rhinitis is recommended to bury in the nose of aloe juice (3-5 drops in each nostril).

  5. For the treatment of colds and relief of symptomsflu in adults and children are well assisted by inhalation. For example, it is useful to breathe over boiled potatoes with the addition of a couple of drops of fir oil. Cover the head with a towel during the procedure. Carry out inhalation for children 1-2 times a day for 5 minutes, adults - for 10-15 minutes.

Treatment of influenza in children: advice of Dr. Komarovsky

Treatment of influenza and SARS in adults at home: low-cost drugs and folk remedies. Doctor Komarovsky's advice on how to treat influenza in children

Children's doctor Komarovsky OE is the author of books and TV programs dedicated to the health of children. It is accessible and understandable explains complex medical terms and gives advice based on many years of practical experience.

Concerning the treatment of ARVI, cold and flu inKomarovsky pays much attention to preventive measures. In his opinion, it is very important to create conditions for the body to fight the virus on its own. Influenza preparations for children are indicated in case of severe illness and only according to the doctor's prescription. He also does not recommend giving the child strong medicines and antibiotics, as they cause complications and provoke dysbiosis. At a high temperature, the doctor advises you to immediately go to the hospital without self-medication. The children's doctor advocates active methods of prevention. Details about them, as well as on the treatment of influenza in children Komarovsky says in his articles and videos.

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