Vitamins for children

Every mom wants her baby to grow strong and healthy. But more and more often modern kids practically "do not get out" of colds, become sluggish, they have an appetite. Blame everything - lack of vitamins in organism.

Vitamins are the most important participants of almost allprocesses of human life. Meanwhile, the human body does not synthesize vitamins (except vitamin D, which is formed in the skin of a person under the influence of ultraviolet) and is unable to accumulate them. Therefore, only getting vitamins from the outside, for example, together with food, the body can provide themselves with them.

However, in many foods used for food,the content of vitamins is not enough to cover the daily need for them in the body. In addition, with the thermal treatment of products, a significant part of even this small amount is destroyed. So, for example, storage of cabbage at room temperature 1 day entails loss of vitamin C by 25%, 2 days - 40%, 3 days - 70%. When frying pork, the loss of vitamin B is 35%, quenching - 60%, cooking - 80%.

On a childish, still quite immature body,The lack of vitamins is particularly acute. After all, vitamins are involved in the growth process, are responsible for the normal functioning of the body's systems: the circulatory, nervous, digestive. Vitamins, in particular vitamin A, promote the maintenance of visual acuity, and without vitamin C, the immunity of the child weakens. Therefore, pediatricians recommend give children special vitamin supplements.

But you can not "fatten" the child with vitamins uncontrollably, an overabundance of a vitamin is no less dangerous than its deficiency. All vitamin preparations can be divided into mono- and multivitamin.

Monovitamin preparations contain only one vitamin. As a rule, such a doctor appoints a child with a severe shortage of a specific vitamin.

Multivitamin preparations in its composition contain a balancedcomplex of several vitamins. Such complexes can have both a general strengthening value, and be directed, for example, to strengthen the skeleton, nails and hair of the child.

The frequency of taking and dosage of the drug should be determined by the pediatrician, based on the individual needs of the child. But there are certain general norms of the daily requirement of the child's organism in vitamins, depending on his age:



0-6 months.12503300300,30,40,30,35
7-12 months.12504400350,40,50,60,56
1-3 years13356400400,70,81,00,79
4-6 years old16657400450,91,11,11,012

The smaller the proportion of a vitamin indrug, the longer it must be taken. So, if the norm of vitamin content in the preparation is from 30% to 50% of the daily needs of the child, then take this drug should be 3-4 months - it is for such a period the body will be satiated with the right vitamin.

If the content of the vitamin in the preparation is completelycovers the daily requirement, then you can take this drug courses lasting no more than 1 month, and then you should go to a drug with a lower dose of vitamin.

Vitamins for children
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