Keep your memories in the form of pictures using your phone and PC
With the current level of technology developmentmobile phones began to have such strong built-in cameras that the pictures taken with them sometimes can not be distinguished from those that were made for professional equipment. But here the main question arises: how to transfer a photo from a phone to a computer? Let's try to figure this out.
How to transfer photos from phone to computer
The process of transferring photos to the hard disk of the computer will not cause great difficulties, although here there are some nuances. There are three most common ways.
Card reader, or card reader
This is a special electronic device,It is designed to work with memory cards of various modifications. They are internal (they are inserted into the system unit of the PC or laptop) and external. This device allows you to access the smartphone's memory card (Samsung, HTC, etc.) as an external media, which makes it possible to download photos from the phone to the computer (and vice versa). The main advantage of this method is the unnecessary connection of the mobile gadget to the computer via a USB cable.
You need to insert a memory card into the adapter andconnect to the computer. The Windows operating system eventually detects the connection of the new device and displays an autorun window with possible options for the user's actions. Also, the media will be visible in the My Computer window (if autostart is forcibly disabled). Now you can open the memory card as a normal disk, and make the necessary manipulations with the files. Beforehand, you should know the folder in which the phone stores all the photos.
USB cable
This is the most common and fastest waydata transmission. This cable is included in the configuration of every modern phone, in extreme cases it can be bought at the appropriate store at an affordable price.
Before connecting, make sure that you have the appropriate drivers for the USB in the operating system. For security reasons, it's best to download them from official websites of manufacturing companies.
After connecting the phone via a USB cable, as in the first method, the autorun window will appear, and a memory card will appear in the list of media.
Wireless technologies
There are several possible options, depending on your personal time, device parameters and Internet speed.
Infrared port. This type of communication is morally and technically obsolete. It is necessary to have the Infrarred port on the phone and the computer (a USB device option is possible). The data transfer rate is very low (up to 115.2 kbps) and may be interrupted. The more you need to maintain the minimum distance between ports (up to 1.5 meters).
Bluetooth. This kind of technology can both transfer photos from the phone to the computer, and establish communication with other devices: printers, mice, joysticks, keyboards, etc. The radius of possible information exchange can reach 200 meters, and in the latest versions of the device the data transfer rate reaches 24 Mb / s.
Wi-Fi. This will require third-party software (for example, Software Data Cable), which will help to establish communication between the PC and the phone.
How could one understand how to throwphoto from phone to computer, very much. Each user can choose the most suitable for a particular case. Move your photos and enjoy the significant moments of your life.