Samsung Kies does not see the phone
Many owners of Samsung phones forconnect the phone to a computer using the Samsung Kies application, which makes it easier to work with a phone connected to a PC. But sometimes it happens that Kies does not see the phone. What to do in this case?
Maybe the problem with the computer?
To begin with, make sure that the problemreally with the Samsung Kies app, not with the computer. Does the computer see the phone as a connected device? If not - then the problem can be with a computer (say, with a USB port or with drivers). In this case, general tips will help if the computer does not see a USB flash drive or other USB devices:
check USB ports
check the driver
scan the system for viruses
Hardware solutions to the problem of connecting the phone
If your system is determined by Samsung, but Kies does not see the phone, you can solve the problem in several ways.
First, try to close the program, disconnect the cable and connect it back: sometimes it helps.
You can try to connect the cable to another port, always on the back of the computer, not on the front. And connect preferably directly, and not through an extension cable.
Important! Do not run the program until the operating system "sees" the phone.
Also check the connection settings in the phone menu, in the connection settings with the PC, you need to select Samsung Kies.
Also try in the phone settings in the sectionConnectivity → USB select "USB debugging". You can additionally restart the phone (turn it off and turn it back on) - it will not be worse from this, but sometimes rebooting the phone helps to cope with the problem.
Reinstalling the driver on the phone
However, reconnecting the cable and / or rebooting the phone does not help in all cases. If even after that Kies does not see the phone, try reinstalling the driver first on the phone.
Click the top left line in the program and select "Driver installation" or "Driver recovery".
If this does not work, update the drivers through the Device Manager
Control Panel
device Manager
Find the phone in the list, right-click and select "Update drivers".

If the problem is in the program Samsung Kies
If reinstalling the driver does not help, try reinstalling the program itself. Perhaps it was not installed correctly, or you have an outdated version.
Reinstalling Samsung Kies
First, remove Samsung Kies through Add / Remove Programs (in Windows 7, this section of the Control Panel is called Programs and Features).
Then you need to clean the registry from the "traces" left by the Kies program.
Important! You can manually clean the registry only if youif you are an experienced user and know what you are doing! If you do not know what the registry is and how to work with it, use the program to clean the registry (for example, the SS Cleaner) or do not touch the registry at all.
After the program is uninstalled, restart the computerand install Samsung Kies again. Put the current, the latest version of the program: sometimes the reason that Kies does not see the phone is an outdated version of the application, everything has to be made with the new version.
Download Samsung Kies from the official site of the application.
Before installing it is desirable to disable the antivirus andfirewall, and the program must be installed with administrator rights (right-click on the installation file and select "Run as administrator" in the context menu).
If the problem is caused by the inability to adequately scan
Sometimes Kies does not see the phone because of the fact thatphone memory or on a memory card, a file with an extension that is too long is saved. When connected, the application scans the phone's memory for media files. If a file with a long extension comes across, the scanning process is knocked down and starts anew, eventually the phone can not connect.
If the problem with the long file extension is:
First, try to remove the memory card: if the problem file is on it, the phone without the card should normally connect via Kies.
If the file is on the phone itself, connect the phone to the PC in removable disk mode and copy all the media files to a separate folder on the computer, and delete them from the phone.
Important! Do not delete files whose source is unknown to you!
If this helps, after you finish working with Samsung Kies, just copy the files back.
As you can see, there are several reasons why Kies does notsees the phone, and several ways to fix this problem. If you can not connect your phone via Samsung Kies, do not despair: first try all possible solutions, and only then contact the specialists.