greeting vkontakte

Social networks have long and firmly becomean integral part of our lives. With their help we have the opportunity to communicate, learn the latest news, share and view photos, different pictures and videos. In general, the practical benefits of these projects are undeniable. On such sites as "vkontakte" is provided for almost everything, except for viewing the visitors of the page. We do not know what the developers were guided by and why they did not add this feature to the site. But we are sure that most people would gladly like to use the opportunity to get to know the guests of their profile. So, let's see if there are any methods for solving this curious secret.

What are the options for visitors to the page in VC?

This option was not created in the social network Vkontakte, developers of different gaming applications offer us to use their services.

For example, there are several types of "traps"link which is placed on your page under some tempting pretext (you can write "Compromising on me" and put a link next to it), and if a person crossed it, it is automatically fixed as a visitor to your profile. But the whole problem is that the people of VC users have long understood that this is just a trick, and many simply ignore such tricks.

There are applications that are supposedly caughtrandom guests of your page. In fact, these services only provide you with a list of people who recently "licked" your note or photo, or answered your wall. That is, if a person secretly visited your page and did not make any likes, records or other options, then he does not get into this list, the application simply does not see this user.

It follows that 100% of the picture of the entire listguests in contact with any kind of application can not provide. But let's find out if there are any other options to see visitors in contact.

vkontakte application

Is it worth it to trust paid services?

A few years ago, the main creatorsocial network Pavel Durov said that the developers of the VC will never launch this function on this site, even in a paid format. Most likely, such a decision was made in order to avoid the appearance of a large number of pages. And for today, despite the fact that P. Durov left the post of the head of "VKontakte", the leadership of this network is not going to change these principles. From this it follows that all sorts of tempting advertisements such as "The real way to find out who visited your page" is nothing but pure fraud. It is possible that having paid the attackers money, you will be given untrue information so that you again have a desire to use their services. Therefore, we advise you not to trust this kind of advertising and waste your precious time.

As you can see, for todaythere is one hundred percent methods to unravel the mystery of the visitors of the page in contact. Therefore, for now, we can only guess and guess who it could be. But do not be in a hurry to get upset, maybe this is for the best. After all, one day you also want to visit the page of a certain person incognito and track his changes in life. It is likely that the developers of this social network will reconsider their decisions and the site will have a cherished button "my guests", but while our fans remain undetected. But after all, as they say, "you know less, you sleep more tightly".

my guests

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