How to remove all entries from the wall vkontakte - programs for cleaning the wall vkontakte
In the social network Vkontakte there are many different useful and interesting functions that deliver a lot of positive emotions to the user. One of such "functions" is a record on the wall of VKontakte.
We think, it is not necessary now to explain what it is,because you yourself are aware of, and perhaps even an active user of the wall. Write an anecdote to a friend on his wall, congratulate him on his birthday, on holidays, just joke on friends and acquaintances - the wall of VKontakte is the perfect "place" for such entertainments.
And anyway, the wall in the social network VK cantell a lot: about the owner of the page, and about his friends and acquaintances. But sometimes there are times when you just want to delete the record on the wall vkontakte.
When you open your VK page and noticethe following: advertising from random people, recently asked to you to "friends", a lot of unnecessary messages that were created through various games and applications vkontakte.
All this over time begins to irritate, and in factalready so used to this social network that I do not want to leave my cozy page, and friends, friends, they say, keep it. Other cases are also rare if detractors leave very unpleasant records on your wall.
What to do? In a fit, you can take and delete the VK page, but we advise you not to worry so much - it's much easier to remove everything that's on the wall, and we'll dwell on this in more detail. So how do I delete all VKontakte entries? There are many options: from complex and irrational to the simplest and most convenient:
1. You can, of course, manually delete. It's good if your VK wall does not have many records. But if you are an active social network user, deleting manually multiple records will be very long and tedious. How to uninstall manually: just use the "delete entry" cross, which is located in the upper right corner of each entry.
A message on the wall can always be restored, forThis should be clicked on the spot of the just deleted record "restore". This method is also suitable for those people who are afraid to pick up a computer virus, if you use unverified special programs to clear VKontakte records. On the other hand, with a reliable antivirus, you should not be afraid to look for good programs.
2. The second method resembles the first. Close your wall from all friends and delete also manually.
3. Use of special software codes - scripts for cleaning the wall. The script is placed in the text input line on the vkontakte wall, presses Enter and messages disappear safely.
But there are disadvantages in this way: some scripts work only in Firefox, others only in Opera, that's why it's possible to delete records from the wall in a way, but not quite simply. And not every user will want to deal with strange codes.
4. Finally, the last method, which received a lot of distribution on the net and positive feedback:
Programs for removing records from the wall vkontakte
Programs for cleaning records on the wall VK nowgreat variety. We will briefly consider the most optimal. VkontakteWallCleaner - the name speaks for itself. A simple program that allows you to clear records. VkBot is a program for deleting VK contacts.
Install the latest version of the program,run, enter your VK data (login and password) and in the end get many different functions that you could only dream about! The programs will help you answer the question: how to make a deferred VKontakte record. This function adds scheduled records to the wall in the community at a specific time.
Also for this we recommend using the online service Buzzlike. Use the programs to delete the VKontakte and let on your page always reign order and coziness.
Author: Katerina Sergeenko