How to see hidden friends "Vkontakte"
Nowadays almost every one of the modernpeople own an account in a particular social network. The most popular in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet is VKontakte. This social network is as simple and intuitive as possible. And while it supports a huge number of easily configurable parameters. Every day at least hundreds of people start a new account, add friends to "friends", play in applications and share their photos with their circle of friends.
The advantages of this social network can besay a lot, but its main advantage is a flexible system of confidentiality. But for each action is, as we know, its opposition. That is, if you are interested in hidden friends "VKontakte" - you will find ways to see them here.
The main advantage of the social network "VKontakte" - customizable confidentiality
It is quite logical that the social network "VKontakte"constantly on the move, its developers are not tired of adding any new features to users. So, you can not only unlimitedly add almost unlimited number of friends, but also hide them from prying eyes. Until recently, in hidden friends in the "VC" you could add absolutely all virtual friends. However, the developers felt that this function is contrary to the very essence of the resource, and now you can hide up to 30 friends.
How to see hidden friends "VKontakte": a safe method
Legal methods approved by the administrationsocial network, no. But you can always use some trick. With the help of this advice you can learn not only how to see hidden friends "VKontakte", but also subsequently do it yourself.
If in virtual friends you will have only oneperson - the one whose hidden friends "VKontakte" you are interested in, then the system will automatically offer you in the "Possible Friends" tab of all his friends. Even those that were originally hidden.
To do this, you need to create a fakeaccount. It can be any name and surname, as well as information "About me". Your main goal is to add friends to the person of your interest. After he added you, you need to go to the "My friends" tab. Click there "Search". And you will see a list of all possible common acquaintances.
How to learn hidden friends? Just after that go to the above tab. There you will be offered all the "friends" of the added person, and, possibly, hidden. So, the question of how to look for hidden friends is no longer a problem for you.
If this method does not work for some reason, you can always watch specialized video lessons, for example, under the link:
There you can also find answers to many questions, about how to set up the privacy of a page on a social network or, conversely, how to find out other people's secrets.
Remember that in the virtual spaceoffers a large number of options how to disrupt someone else's privacy, but do not trust those sites that try to impose your use of their software. Thus, you not only can bring a malicious virus to your computer, but you also get the risk of being blocked by the administration of the social network, without knowing how to see the hidden friends of VKontakte.