Flu 2016-2017: virologists predict which virus is expected this winter. Symptoms and treatment of influenza in adults and children

According to the epidemiological forecast, the first seriousan outbreak of influenza 2016-2017 is expected in November-December 2016. Traditionally, adults and children are vaccinated from September to October, so that the body is prepared for virus attacks. In 2-4 weeks after this, immunity to influenza types A and B is developed and lasts up to a year. The more people will be vaccinated, the less likely the spread of a massive epidemic.

Flu 2016-2017: prognosis of incidence, what kind of flu is expected

Flu 2016-2017: virologists predict which virus is expected this winter. Symptoms and treatment of influenza in adults and children

According to the forecasts of virologists, the incidence of influenza inadults in Russia will not exceed last year's indicators. The previous epidemic season was characterized by moderate intensity and duration, no complications in vaccinated, low lethality. Experts of the World Health Organization identified three most dangerous types of influenza virus for adults and children:

  1. H1N1 (California) - swine flu. It belongs to type A, is characterized by complications, spreads quickly, causes mass epidemics, mutates yearly. It was first discovered in 2009 by US residents. The most severe influenza virus, 2016-2017, affects animals and humans. Complex treatment is necessary.

  2. H3N2 (Hong Kong). Type A virus, which is characterized by rapid development, is especially dangerous for people with reduced immunity (having chronic diseases, elderly, pregnant, children). According to experts, in Russia the flu will be circulating, which raged in China in 2014. Of the complications - pneumonia, bronchitis and other lung diseases. Requires immediate treatment.

  3. Brisbane (Australian) refers to type B, is not well-known to the inhabitants of Russia, it complicates the cardiovascular system.

Vaccination of adults and children is carried out withusing preparations containing surface antigens of these viral strains. It is less likely to expect the spread of Switzerland (H3N2, type A), Phuket and Yamagata (type B) viruses. According to some experts, an outbreak of Asian influenza type A H2N2 is also possible in 2017. This conclusion was made on the basis of its cyclicity (60 years). The last time the disease raged in 1957-1959 in the countries of Asia, was remembered by numerous cases of death. How likely is a pandemic to be difficult to determine (the same situation is with treatment).

Symptoms of flu in the epidemic season 2016-2017 in adults

Flu 2016-2017: virologists predict which virus is expected this winter. Symptoms and treatment of influenza in adults and children

Symptoms of the flu 2016-2017 differs little from the usual signs of seasonal disease disease. Among them:

  1. High temperature (38.5-39 degrees) -An invariable and basic symptom. Strong fever appears during the first day of the disease, the condition worsens towards evening. Antipyretic agents are indicated for treatment.

  2. Together with strong temperature there is a strongchills and rapid pulse. The febrile state is caused by the resistance of the immune system to a viral attack. For this reason, adults are not advised to bring the temperature down to 38.5 degrees to allow the body to fight the disease on its own.

  3. Lumbago, muscle pain - obvious signs of the flu, which indicate the intoxication of the body. Anesthetics are prescribed for treatment.

  4. Cough (mostly dry), sore throat.

  5. Drowsiness and weakness appear as a consequence of the weakening of the protective functions of the body. Symptoms accompany the entire course of the disease of adults.

  6. Headaches are another symptom of intoxication. In some cases, it serves as an alarm signal for inflammation of the sinuses of the nose (with exacerbation of sinusitis and sinusitis).

  7. Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, nasal congestion, pain in the thoracic region.

  8. Vomiting, an intestinal disorder. Such symptoms are typical for viral intestinal flu, as well as for some type A viruses. Another common name is rotavirus. The cause of the disease are infections that enter the digestive tract. Specific drugs for treatment are not provided.

The difference between influenza and other diseases: symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection in an adult

Flu 2016-2017: virologists predict which virus is expected this winter. Symptoms and treatment of influenza in adults and children

For proper treatment of the flu 2016-2017,attention to the signs that characterize the condition of an adult. Often, acute respiratory viral infections are confused with influenza, but these colds have different course and differ in treatment methods. Accepting the wrong drugs can worsen a patient's condition. Differences between influenza and ARVI:

  1. Development of the disease. Symptoms of influenza in adults and children manifest themselves in just a few hours. Acute respiratory viral infection is characterized by gradual development.

  2. Temperature. With acute respiratory viral infection, there may be no temperature at all. If it appears, it grows slowly and does not reach the critical mark when taking antipyretic drugs is required. A febrile condition is also not observed.

  3. Distinctive symptom of the flu in humans - pain inbreasts. Cough is possible only dry, can quickly develop into pneumonia (treatment tactics are chosen by the physician). With ARVI, cough can be both dry and with sputum discharge. Rarely gives complications in the form of pulmonary diseases.

Symptoms of influenza and ARVI in children

Flu 2016-2017: virologists predict which virus is expected this winter. Symptoms and treatment of influenza in adults and children

Symptoms of colds in children are similar to those of adults. The following are noted:

  1. A sharp increase in temperature, chills.

  2. Dry cough, complaints of sore throat, shortness of breath.

  3. Weakness, lethargy, drowsiness.

  4. Rezi in the eyes, redness, tear.

  5. Nausea and diarrhea (not always).

  6. Enlarged lymph nodes.

  7. Loss of appetite.

  8. Delayed urination.

  9. Conjunctivitis (symptom appears rarely).

Treatment should be supervisedspecialist. It is important to remember that in young children the typical symptoms of influenza may be absent or manifest in a small measure. Signs of intoxication are strongly pronounced. The exact cause and nature of the disease can only be determined after the tests have been submitted.

Prevention and treatment of influenza in adults and children in 2016-2017.

Flu 2016-2017: virologists predict which virus is expected this winter. Symptoms and treatment of influenza in adults and children

The most effective prevention of influenza2016-2017 in adults and children is vaccination. Those who could not pass it are recommended to apply specific and non-specific prevention of influenza. Activities include the use of immunomodulators, compliance with personal and public hygiene. During the exacerbation of the flu epidemic, it is recommended to wear a personal protective equipment (mask), wash hands frequently and avoid the accumulation of a large group of people.

When the first symptoms of influenza in adults appearit is recommended to take medications. Treatment with antibiotics is possible only on the instructions of a doctor. Among the drugs that have shown high efficiency, there are:

  1. Ingaverin is a complex agent with immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory properties.

  2. Zanamivir (Relenza) is a drug for inhalations. Indications are infections caused by the influenza A and B virus. Helps avoid complications after the illness.

  3. Tamiflu (Oseltamivir). The drug slows the growth of viral cells, accelerates the healing process. Both of these agents (relenza and tamiflu) are suitable for the treatment of the flu 2016-2017, including swine and Hong Kong. It is recommended to take the first symptoms of the disease.

  4. Arbidol - a drug for the prevention and treatment of viral infections. Effectively affects the subtypes of group A (including H1N1, H2N2, H3N2) and B.

  5. Ibuprofen is indicated for the treatment and removal of symptoms of influenza and SARS as one of the safest drugs.

Flu 2016-2017: virologists predict which virus is expected this winter. Symptoms and treatment of influenza in adults and children

Treatment of adults is carried out not only withuse of medicines, but also with the use of certain folk remedies. The incubation period of influenza lasts an average of 4 days. Even after the disappearance of typical symptoms, it is recommended to stay at home for at least 24 hours. At the first signs of illness, call a doctor and make out a sick leave. Limit contact with healthy people, be sure to observe bed rest.

In the treatment of colds in childrendoctors recommend focusing on prevention. Reception of antibiotics is highly undesirable because of the high probability of dysbiosis. Tamiflu (for children over the age of 1 year), Relenza (for children older than 5 years), Arbidol and Ingavirin (for children over 3 years old), Cycloferon (for children over 4 years old) are shown from medicines. The exact dosage will help to determine the doctor, based on symptoms, age and physical indicators (body weight). As an auxiliary means for the treatment of the disease, it is recommended to wash the nose with saline solutions, use oxolin ointment, rinse the throat with anti-inflammatory herbal infusions, inhalation.

Children are included in the category of people whovaccination against influenza 2016-2017 is recommended. If the child does get sick, leave it at home if there are obvious symptoms. The exception is cases where urgent medical care and hospital treatment are needed. Antipyretics should be given only if necessary and only those prescribed by the doctor. The same applies to vitamins: they alone will not protect the body from the flu, but from an overdose of an element there can be negative consequences.

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