Symptoms, methods of treatment and methods of preventing swine flu 2016

Swine flu of 2016 in Russia at risk of escalatingin a real epidemic. In a month, hundreds of people with this virus were registered in the country. Unfortunately, there are also cases with lethal outcomes caused by complications of swine flu. The situation worsens also by the fact that many of our compatriots prefer to engage in self-medication instead of in time to contact the medical institutions for help. As a result, serious complications in the diseased and an unknown size of the incidence rate, which in turn only aggravates the situation. About methods of prophylaxis and ways of treatment of a virus of a swine flu and there will be a speech further.

Swine Flu 2016: Symptoms (underlying signs)

To effectively confront any diseaseyou need to know it "in person". In other words, it is important to have knowledge about the symptoms and course of the disease, and conduct appropriate tests that can confirm or disprove the alleged diagnosis. In the case of the swine flu virus, its diagnosis is complicated by the fact that it does not differ from any other catarrhal disease by its appearance. Confirm the presence in the blood of a patient with a virus with the H1N1 stamp (swine flu) can only a special analysis of the mucous contents of the nose, which, unfortunately, is not available in every hospital.

Symptoms, methods of treatment and methods of preventing swine flu 2016

Signs of swine flu in an adult (symptoms)

Nevertheless, given the current situation, to sound an alarm and seek medical help you need to find any of the following symptoms:

  • high body temperature

  • weakness, dizziness, pale skin

  • nausea, vomiting and diarrhea

  • dry cough

  • pain in the throat, chest and joints (aches)

  • increased tearing, photophobia

  • runny nose and nasal congestion, shortness of breath

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases

Signs of swine flu in a child (symptoms)

Children of different ages swine flu 2016occurs with about the same symptomatology as in adults. Also, youngsters can experience drowsiness, apathy, a sharp change in mood, a rapid deterioration in their health. For example, in the morning there may be a slight malaise, which already by evening grows into a fever and a sore throat. Such a rapid development of this viral disease in children is due to the yet undeformed immunity.

Swine Flu: Treatment

Symptoms, methods of treatment and methods of preventing swine flu 2016

Unfortunately, the medicine for swine flu 2016 stillnot found. But the H1N1 virus is quite effectively treated with traditional antiviral drugs. In addition, the immunodeficiency virus that has been infected with this one develops immunity, which, with the appropriate measures of safety and quarantine, significantly reduces the risk of the epidemic.

It is also important to note that the most effectivetreatment of swine flu shows itself in the first few days after the onset of symptoms. That is why it is so important to seek medical help immediately after the onset of the illness.

Than to treat a swine flu (medicine)

In cases when the diseased can not because ofobjective reasons will instantly turn to a doctor, he can start taking antiviral medications alone, for example, "Tamiflu" or "Ergoferon." After that, you should move to the relief of severe symptoms. So, the heat should be knocked down with paracetamol-based medicines, for example, Nurofen or Ibuprofen. In no case should you take antipyretic drugs on aspirin - they can cause complications. It is also important to wash your nose with saline solutions and rinse your throat.

Swine flu: Prevention (drugs and methods)

Symptoms, methods of treatment and methods of preventing swine flu 2016

Speaking about prevention, it is very important:

  • be sure to wash your hands with soap after visiting public places

  • at least once a day to do a wet cleaning of the premises, wipe the dust, air

  • avoid a large crowd

  • use oxolin ointment and similar preparations

  • isolate the sick from other family members, contact with him, wearing a mask

  • support the body with vitamin complexes and natural products with antiviral action (garlic, onions, honey, lemon)

  • do not touch your face with dirty hands

Swine flu 2016 is successfully treated with timely access to medical care, so do not give the virus any chance!

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