Fleas in humans - be vigilant

In the world there are more than 2000 varietiesfleas, and none of them anything, except for trouble, does not bring us. Human fleas (lice) are insects that parasitize the human body, dogs, cats and horses.

What does the "problem" look like?

This is a very mobile insect, the size of which is notexceeds 4 mm. On the flattened body of the parasite "sits" a small head with a piercing-sucking mouth and tendrils. Fleas move with the help of six clawed legs, the back pair of which is strong enough to jump for long distances.

Whatever cataclysms have occurred on the planet,fleas, in all probability, will survive - they truly phenomenal fecundity! The parasite lives at least 2 to 3 months, during which time it manages to make 60 to 100 bites and to lay aside more than a thousand eggs. Descendants grow in a few weeks, and now a new army of parasites is ready to eat and multiply.

Where do fleas in humans come from?

How strange it may seem, humanfleas are a rather rare species of parasites. In most cases, fleas are in humans from animals. If you are a loving owner of an active dog, the pet can bring a biting "surprise" in the thick of its wool from the street. Domestic cats that never happen outside the apartment, sooner or later also become carriers of fleas that fall into the house on the sole of shoes or in folds of clothing.

Fleas in humans - be vigilant

Even if you do not have pets, you allequally you may face a problem. How? "Meeting", for example, can occur on the bank of a river or any other body of water where sand fleas usually live. They, as a rule, encroach on the lower part of the human body (feet, ankles, hips).

Also often suffer from the inhabitants of the first floors,which fleas can be transmitted from the basement through rats and mice. And if a cute kitten is huddling in your entrance, you will surely bring home the insects, the bearer of which he is, on his shoes.

Contrary to popular belief, the parasite is neither in humans nor inon animals does not live in the truest sense of the word. On an individual or a mammal, the insect spends from a few minutes to two or three hours - this time it is enough to fill with blood. "Rest" a parasite in the secluded corners of your house. There he lays his eggs. The number of fleas is so great that one is replaced by others, and the victim seems to be biting her endlessly.

Fleas in humans - be vigilant

Habitat of parasites indoors:

  • dense pile of carpeting;

  • cracks in the walls and floor;

  • dusty corners;

  • gap between the wall and the baseboard;

  • litter of animals;

  • places of accumulation of trash.

Thus, the whole apartment or house can becomea nursery of fleas. Is it worth fighting with them? Certainly! Insects carrying a variety of diseases present a real threat to human health.

What disease can you get from an insect

  1. Plague.

  2. Tularemia.

  3. Rickettsiosis.

  4. Dipylidosis.

  5. Listeriosis.

  6. Pseudotuberculosis.

This is not a complete list of diseases,source of which is a parasite. The most harmless consequences of contact with a flea can be called allergic reactions to bites, abscesses and furuncles on the skin, dermatitis, insomnia and neurosis.

Fleas in humans - be vigilant

Symptoms of an insect bite

The question is, do fleas have people, we found out. Now we list the main reactions, indicating that you were bitten.

  1. The bite is located on the lower leg, ankle, foot, wrist, neck or among the hair on the scalp - these are the "favorite" places of the insect.

  2. The bite is painful, as if you were stabbed. In its place there is a strong itch and burning sensation.

  3. On the skin appears a pink spot (3 - 5 mm) or inflated blister with a red mark in the center. The pain passes quickly, but the trace of the bite may remain for several days.

  4. A sensitive person responds to a bite with an allergy in the form of a rash or urticaria.

Fleas in humans - be vigilant

Treatment of flea bites

The most reliable remedy for insect bites, of course, is prevention. But what should be your actions if you could not avoid troubles?

  1. Treat wound with any antiseptic: hydrogen peroxide, alcohol tonic, usual soap.

  2. Then put a little ice in the bag and cover the parcel with a dense cloth. Cool the bite place.

  3. When the burning stems, lubricate the wound with ointment from itching (Psilo-balsam, for example). If you do not have one at hand, use a solution of ordinary soda.

Fleas in humans - be vigilant

How to get rid of the enemy?

To quickly and effectively put an end tocarry out immediate insecticidal treatment of pets. And of course, arrange a thorough general cleaning of your home, paying special attention to the places where your cat or dog spends the most time. In order to certainly eradicate fleas, use special means: Sinuzan, Biorin, Combat, Ghet. In the future, do not forget to regularly wash floors in the hallway with a disinfectant.

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