Why does the eye twitch?

Probably, many faced with a probleminvoluntary contraction of the muscles around the eye. This problem is quite common and under certain circumstances everyone can arise. Why does the eye twitch? What if you are experiencing this problem?

Involuntary rapid short-term reductionmuscle or muscle group is called a nerve tic. So the answer to the question of why the eye twitches is usually very simple: you have a nervous tic eye. However, in order to cope with the problem, it is necessary to determine the causes of the nervous tic and eliminate them - then the eye and stop twitching. The nervous tic is a consequence of problems with the nervous system, so the reason must be sought in this area.

The most common cause of jerking of the facial musclesis overexertion or overwork (both mental and physical). Do not you sleep enough at night? Do you work in a tense rhythm? Do you often travel on business trips? Do you have serious emotional experiences? Have you recently had a disease and still feel weak? If you answered "yes" to at least one of these questions, you do not need to ponder why the eye twitches: you already know the answer.

Why does the eye twitch?

To stop the eye twitching, you need to squeeze tightlyeyelids, breathe deeply, exhale and open your eyes. Repeat this exercise five times. However, it is important to remember that this technique will help you cope with the tick "here and now", but it will not eliminate the cause of its appearance, and over time the eye may start to twitch again.

If you are faced with twitching of the eye, it is importantunderstand that your body gives you a signal that you are tired and need a rest. Therefore, to begin with, have a good night's sleep, take a day off or a small holiday, to allow the body to fully recover. Also in such cases, physical education classes, water procedures are recommended. Some people are helped by a change in the situation.

Perhaps it makes sense to drink sedativespreparations. Just do not need to run to the pharmacy for pills, start with herbal infusions and herbal medicines, and if they do not help, it's better to see a doctor who can choose the most suitable sedatives. Try to drink less coffee and strong tea and at the time give up spicy and spicy food.

Why does the eye twitch?

Sometimes the eye can twitch because youspend too much time at the computer. Try to reduce the time spent at the monitor. If this is not possible (due to the specifics of your work, for example), take breaks often. You can try gymnastics for the eyes: it strengthens the muscles of the eye and serves as the prevention of tics.

Also, involuntary twitching of the muscles can beare associated with a deficiency of magnesium in the body. Magnesium is important for good functioning of the nervous system, and its lack can lead to problems with this system, in particular, to the tick. To make up for the lack of magnesium, include in the diet rich in this microelement products: cereals, legumes, nuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and pumpkins, rye bread, vegetable greens.

Together with magnesium, the body must actvitamins of group B (in particular, B6), which contribute to its assimilation: sometimes it happens that magnesium enters the body with food enough, but it is not digested in full.

Why does the eye twitch?

If all these methods do not help and a nervous ticoccurs continuously for a week or even longer, you need to contact a specialist. The neurologist will determine why the eye twitches and prescribe the appropriate treatment. In some cases, a nervous tic is only a symptom of an organic disease that needs treatment. Twitching of the eye muscles can be a symptom of serious illness (trauma and brain disease, middle ear disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke), so do not delay the visit to the doctor for a long time.

So, if you have a twitching eye, the first thingyou need to relax and calm your nerves. If this does not help, be sure to contact a neurologist who will determine the cause of the nervous tic and help to cope with the problem.

Why does the eye twitch?
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