The eyes of a cat creep: what to doThey say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Applicable to pets, this statement can be rephrased a bit: the eyes are a mirror of health. For example, copious lachrymation in cats can be a sign of a number of diseases. What to do, if the cat's eyes water?

First of all, it should be said that the accumulation of a small number of tears in the corners of the eyes after sleep is quite normal. The task of the owner is simple do not forget about the hygiene of the eyes of the pet, regularly washing the eyes of the cat with cotton buds, moistened with special drops or boiled water.

It is worth remembering that because of anatomical features some breeds of cats (for example, British and Persian cats) more prone to lacrimation, than the rest. Therefore, owners of cats of these breeds should pay more attention to hygiene procedures.

And the sphinxes, rexes and other "bare" breeds are anatomically predisposed to eyelid twisting, which can lead to chronic conjunctivitis, one of the symptoms of which is lacrimation. This problem is solved surgically.

However, if the lachrymation is not periodic, but permanent, and it gives the cat obvious discomfort (she always blinks, tries to rub her eyes with her paw, etc.), it's worth worrying: abundant secretion of tears can signal a disease. Why does the cat's eyes water?

There are different causes of lachrymation in cats, let's highlight the main. The first reason - mechanical confirmation (hit in the eye of a foreign object, a scratch, a micro-burn, etc.). If medical care is not timely provided, the cat can get a deep trauma to the cornea and even lose sight.

The second reason - allergic reaction. Allergens can be very different: dust, household chemicals, plant pollen, poplar fluff, food, etc. Usually, apart from an abundant secretion of tears, an allergy is accompanied by reddening of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, sneezing. The third cause of lachrymation in cats - parasite infestation (a similar reaction of the body can cause some varieties of worms).

Finally, the fourth reason that a cat can have a teary eye is bacterial or viral infection, which caused inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctivitis). In such cases, it should be borne in mind that conjunctivitis is not a major disease, but only an accompanying one.

The cat can get teary eyes due to both the eye infection (fungal or viral) and respiratory tract infections. In the second case lacrimation is usually accompanied by other symptoms (cough, fever, nasal discharge, etc.).

At home, it is impossible to determine exactly why the cat's eyes are watering: To make a diagnosis, you must always contact the veterinarian. He will examine the animal, if necessary take tests (so that to confirm or eliminate the infection, it is necessary to perform a flushing procedure with the conjunctiva) and will make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment doctor will appoint, depending on the cause that caused lacrimation. Usually, for the treatment of eyes, specialgels and ointments. If the cause of copious discharge of tears is an infectious disease, complex treatment is used: first of all it will be necessary to cure the infection (usually antibiotics are used for this purpose), but the doctor will also prescribe medications for the treatment of conjunctivitis. When allergies are prescribed hormonal drugs, but first of all you need to eliminate its cause.

If your cat has watery eyes, you need bothyou can contact the veterinarian as soon as possible: you will not put the diagnosis yourself, and the wrong treatment or lack of treatment can lead to the cat losing sight or even dying (if the lachrymation was caused by a life-threatening cat infection). Do not risk the health and life of your pet, delaying a visit to a veterinarian. Also timely vaccination is very importantwhich will protect your cat from many infections.

The eyes of a cat creep: what to do
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