Folk early pregnancy signs
Pregnancy - a special biological conditionthe body of a woman coming from the moment of conception and lasting about 40 weeks. Many of the fair sexes change in the body at the onset of conception are noticeable and palpable. And some do not notice anything until the apparent delay in menstruation. But one way or another, physiological changes in the body occur from the first day of pregnancy, which occurs 5-7 days after fertilization.
The very first signs of pregnancy can be recognized if you listen well to your body:
especially expecting and wanting a child, women keep track of basal temperature and know that its increase of more than 37 degrees indicates successful conception;
slight malaise and insignificant increasebody temperature. This occurs as a result of decreased immunity. A very similar condition is observed in a cold person. It is important not to take strong drugs, which can adversely affect the future child;
Drowsiness and a feeling of constant fatigue alsoare the very first signs of pregnancy. Already after the first week there is a restructuring of the body and an increase in the production of hormones of progesterone and human chorionic hormone. The hormone progesterone is responsible for the drowsy condition in the first weeks after conception. But hCG grows slowly in the early days, so tests can not show the coveted two strips, since they have a sensitivity of 25 units;
puffiness of the legs and hands, which is easy to see in the footsteps of the elastic band of socks on the legs and the swelling of the fingers under the rings. This is also a consequence of the development of progesterone, which delays the release of salts from the body;
frequent urination, which occurs due toincreased blood supply to the pelvic organs under the influence of hormones. This phenomenon is often confused with beginning cystitis, but worries and it is not worth starting treatment, everything will come back to normal a little later;
some pregnant women from 1 to 3 weeks noted slight pain in the uterus, drawing pains and tingling, which probably indicates the embryo implantation and its active development;
increased sensitivity of the breast, its increase and darkening of the nipple halos are inherent signs of pregnancy at the earliest possible time;
increase or decrease in blood pressure. Often manifested headache or darkening in the eyes and even fainting;
aching pain in the lower back and abdominal discomfort, like before the onset of menstruation - signs of pregnancy in the early stages;
the first signs of pregnancy - discharge fromvagina bloody nature, which is often confused with the onset of menstruation. How to determine pregnancy by excreta and not take them for early-onset menstruation? Allocations during pregnancy are different from menstrual scarcity and darker color. It is smearing, not abundant, more brown, sometimes yellow or pink discharge. These excretions are called implantation, they occur during the embryo implantation in the uterine wall on the 5th-7th day after fertilization;
nausea, changes in appetite and susceptibility tosmells - that's the national signs of pregnancy in the early stages. They are also justified by physiological changes, and it is not for nothing that pregnant women are drawn to "salty". In the first weeks of pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the woman's blood pressure drops, and the salty food raises it.
Know the very first signs of pregnancy in the early stages is necessary. This will help to recognize your interesting situation and save it, avoiding unnecessary taking of various medicines.
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