Consequences of drug abortion
Life is unpredictable, and it often occurssuch situations when it is necessary to take very important and difficult decisions. Sometimes a woman faces a difficult choice: having a baby or having an abortion, and if they stop at the latter, they often resort to the simplest and most popular method of abortion with the help of medications. This option is acceptable only in the early terms of up to 8 weeks.
Is it as harmless as it seems?
At first glance this is quite safe, you cando without surgery, the uterus remains intact, the risk of infection is minimal, there are no serious consequences in the form of infertility. But all individually. Of course, many women try to get rid of an unwanted kid on their own without consulting a doctor, taking the pills they were advised by a friend. In this case, the result can not be predicted: an allergy to the drug, bleeding may open or, worse, there will be incomplete abortion - part of the fetus remains in the womb and develops (there is no surgical aid in any way). In any case, it is better to appear to a specialist who will study the features of your body and only then will prescribe the necessary antibiotic.
Term of interruption
If you still decided on a medical abortion,then it's better not to delay, but to do it as soon as possible. In early terms, the consequences are minimal, and the chances for the desired result are higher. Up to 6 weeks, the fetus is poorly associated with the uterus, and therefore spontaneous miscarriage can occur easier. After 8 weeks, drug interruption is impossible, you need to look for another way.
How to prepare
Very often girls do not want anyone to knowabout their pregnancy, and secretly try to get rid of it alone. But to avoid the sad results, you need to go to a clinic or a specialized center where you will undergo a comprehensive examination, pass all the necessary tests, consult a gynecologist. Perhaps you are intolerant of a drug that you do not even suspect. And most importantly, be smart mentally - it's not so hard to transfer physically, as psychologically.
Of course, this can all go without sideeffects, but it is worthwhile to know what accompanying effects may be observed. Perhaps, there will be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, the menstrual cycle may break, so do not be alarmed if you have a slight delay - everything will be fine during the month. Also, there may be a headache, a feeling of drowsiness, dizziness, the temperature will rise, the pressure will drop, vaginal bleeding will open, a rash will appear. It is strictly forbidden to interrupt pregnancy with pills after ectopic or caesarean section.
Today in the pharmacy there is a wide variety of pills that interrupt pregnancy, which you can easily purchase.
The most popular are Mifepriston, Pencrofton, Mifeprex, Mefegin. They provoke a spontaneous miscarriage. They need to be drunk according to the scheme prescribed by a qualified specialist.
In 98 cases out of 100 abortions with tabletsgives the desired result. But the chance of re-pregnancy increases. So, better protect yourself, use reliable contraceptives. Doctors advise to abstain from sexual activity until the menstrual cycle is adjusted.