Tick ​​borreliosis
Blissfully resting in the woods, be careful - foryou are constantly watching the tick. He wants to fall from the tree, dig into the warm skin, grab his little claws in the flesh and never leave it. This is very dangerous, since these tiny insects transmit a disease to a person, which is called tick-borne borreliosis.

It is important to remember that tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease) - an infectious disease caused bySpirochetes from the genus Borrelia after the bite of the Ixodes tick. The skin, the nervous system, the locomotor system and the heart are affected. A sick person is not contagious to others.

Tick ​​borreliosis has three stages of the disease. At the first stage begins acute headachepain, weakness is felt, nausea, vomiting. Sometimes patients have stiffness in the neck, joint and muscle pain. In the place where the tick has bitten, there may be itching, pain, the appearance of a red spot (erythema), which gradually increases in size. The form of redness can be round or oval, the center pales and slightly rises above the level of the skin.

Redness becomes the appearance of rings. Lymph nodes that are located close to the bite zone are enlarged. Sometimes secondary erythema may develop on other areas of the skin, which have a lighter appearance and fuzzy boundaries outlines (or boundaries, or outlines, anything one))). Redness persists for several days. Tick ​​borreliosis is accompanied by the appearance of conjunctivitis, enlargement of the liver, spleen.

In 1-2 months after the onset of the disease, the second stage begins, so there is a heart attack - lime-carditis, which manifests itself in the form of myocarditis,pancarditis, pericarditis. The symptoms are favorable, the clinical manifestations disappear within a couple of days or a week. Tick ​​borreliosis at this stage is marked by a rash, damage to the liver and eyes.

In a small number of diseased tick borreliosis can go to the third stage of its development - lime arthritis. In this case, joints, skin, nervous system are affected. Pain in the joints and in the abdomen, headache, fatigue, weakness are noted.

If treatment of the disease passes ineffectively, then it can develop chronic form disease. Tick ​​borreliosis at this stage is characterized by alternation of relapses and remissions. In patients, thinning and loss of cartilage or destruction of bone are observed. If the disease affected the skin, then there is the formation of a benign lymphocytoma or skin atrophy.

It is very important that tick-borne borreliosis be recognizedat the stage of primary skin manifestations. It is a pity, but very often the disease is determined late, when the lesions of the internal organs are significantly manifested. Do not delay the trip to the hospital if you find a tick on yourself. It must be carefully pulled out and brought to the diagnosis of the virus. Treatment of Lyme disease is carried out in an infectious disease hospital where intensive therapy is carried out to destroy Borrelia with the use of antibiotics.

In order to avoid the bite of a tick, which carries tick-borne borreliosis, after each walk carefully examine your body. Wear in the forest those clothes, which will protect as much as possible from ticks: pants, a jacket with a long sleeve, a hat, closed shoes.

Be attentive to yourself and to your health,since tick borreliosis can cause irreparable harm to your body. It is better to be safe and once again visit a doctor if you have found the appropriate manifestations of Lyme disease.

Tick ​​borreliosis
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