Pain in the face
Pain in the face (prozopalgia) is one of the most difficultdiseases in medicine. Do not forget that the cause of this ailment can be the pathology of the eyes and ENT organs, as well as the chilled nerve endings. Therefore, in no case can you do self-medication, and immediately contact a few specialists, as the cause may be banal everyday stress. Pain in the face - this is a sign that with health everything is not all right.

Pain in the face can be caused by neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve</ b> and other types of cranial neuralgia, dental diseases, spine injuries in the cervical region, tumors of the base of the skull and nasopharynx, migraine.

Even after tooth extraction can begin to develop prozopalgia. This occurs when the circulation of blood inbrain stem, herpes infection. Factors that cause the onset of pain in the face are influenza, malaria, syphilis, hypothermia, intoxication with alcohol, lead, nicotine.

Pain in the face can have this character:

  • aching sensations - with neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve;

  • burning, throbbing pain - with pain along the arterial trunks;

  • migraine face;

  • a combination of several types of pain.

There are several diseases in which there are pains in the face:

  • Charlaine syndrome;

  • facial migraine;

  • Sluder's syndrome;

  • Frey's syndrome;

  • neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve;

  • ganglionitis of the upper cervical node;

  • glossalgia;

  • pain with dental diseases;

  • diseases of the paranasal sinuses.

Pain in the face can be a reflection of pain whenpathology of internal organs. It is important to know what treatment is prescribed for pain in the face. Urgent to see a doctor and describe in detail the accompanying pain syndromes. Depending on the nature of the pain, the doctor will prescribe an examination. The simplest analysis is general blood test. If the white blood cell count is higher than normal, it means that the source of prozopalgia can be sinusitis, tronsillitis, and fronitis.

Also done rheumatic tests. A positive result of the samples indicates that temporal arteritis occurs. You may have to do X-ray of the sinuses of the nose. If the suspicion of sinusitis is justified, then the patient goes to the ENT. If the pain in the eye sockets or the patient has a visual impairment, then one must immediately do computed tomography. With the help of such an analysis, it will be possible to identifytumor, multiple sclerosis, cerebral aneurysm. In order to pay off the source of pain in the face, you need to visit such doctors as a dentist, an otolaryngologist, a rheumatologist, a dentist, a neurosurgeon.

As already mentioned, self-medicate is very dangerous, since you can miss a serious diseaseor provoke the development of complications. For the treatment of pain in the face use anticonvulsants and anti-inflammatory drugs without steroids. If the pain is a symptom of any of the above-described diseases, then these medications are prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment of the underlying disease. If this is a facial migraine, then take nomigren, rapimig or another medication for migraine. For the treatment of neuralgic diseases, acupuncture, electrophoresis, acupressure, psychotherapy, antidepressants are used.

Pain in the face is a very serious disease,because the consequences of a neglected form may not be amenable to treatment. Feel your body, understand its signals, in time to see a doctor and get qualified help. Health - a pledge of a full life without pain and discomfort.

Pain in the face
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