Why does my back hurt?Today, and older people, and quite youngMen and women often complain of pain in the lumbosacral spine. Such pain can occur sporadically or be of a regular nature. What can cause back pain? About, why does the loin ache, tells the Land of Soviets.

The lumbosacral spine is experiencing compared with the rest of the departments biggest loads. It does not matter whether we are standing orwe sit, this part of the spine still experiences considerable pressure. For example, in the prone position, the intervertebral discs of the lumbosacral spine undergo a load of 50 kg, while standing - 100 kg.

Such large loads can not but affectthe condition of the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region: they are much faster "wear out" than the discs of other parts of the back. This "worn out" condition of the discs of the lumbosacral spine often causes pain in the lower back.

However, "Wear" of intervertebral discs - this is by no means the only factor,contributing to the development of lumbar pain. Also, low back pain can be associated with diseases of the internal organs. And in order to find out why the loin hurts, it is necessary to diagnose several different specialists: an orthopedist, a neurologist, a traumatologist, a nephrologist, a urologist / gynecologist, etc.

Determine which specialist should be contacted first, will help studying the nature of low back pain. So, if at press tension or liftinglegs from the prone position, pain in the lower back is felt, then the probability of osteochondrosis is high enough. In this case, it is best to begin an examination with an orthopedist.

Osteochondrosis is the most common disease, because of which the loin hurts. Here's another several tests for the detection of osteochondrosis:

  1. You need to become even, put your head on your chest, touching your chin. With osteochondrosis in this case, pain in the lower back should appear.

  2. You need to lie on your back, straighten up. Legs and arms should be stretched. Now you need to sit down, without lifting or bending your legs. The appearance of pain in the lower back while it will be evidence of the possible presence of osteochondrosis.

Often allows you to determine osteochondrosis with pain in the lower back the presence of so-called irradiating pain. People talk about such pains that they "give" somewhere. In the case of the lower back, irradiating pain can occur in the legs, in the shoulder girdle, in the pelvic region.

Pain in lower back not necessarily can be caused with osteochondrosis. For example, often low back pain is accompanied by diseases of such internal organs as the kidneys, pancreas, large intestine, etc. That is why it is important to have an examination not only of the orthopedist, but also of other specialists if there are suspicions of internal organs diseases.

To understand why the loins hurts, it's not enough to "diagnose" yourself and start treatment. With any pain in the lower back need mandatory diagnosis of a doctor - and the sooner, the better. Careless treatment of low back pain can lead to very serious consequences, because the result of untimely or incorrect treatment may be partial or complete restriction of mobility, the development of complications.

Why does my back hurt?
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