Melanoma of the skin
Melanoma of the skin and 48,000 deaths per year. These phrases are inseparable. Bad ecology and increased solar activity contribute to the development of this disease. Your task is not to fall into the risk group, prevent and identify melanoma in the early stages. And the Country of Soviets will help to understand and cope with this task.

Melanoma of the skin - a malignant tumor, the most dangerous of the three varieties of skin cancer. It develops from pigment-forming cells - melanocytes, which in normal operation protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. Melanocytes can form moles and birthmarks, which are benign clusters of these cells and do not threaten the health of the body.

Melanoma of the skin is often occurs in open areas of the body, which are not protected from active sun rays: skin of the face or limbs. Sometimes melanoma is formed on the retina of the eye, mucous membranes, soft tissues (ligaments).

Skin melanoma: causes

  • Genotype. Owners of light skin, eyes and hair are more prone to disease than people with dark skin and dark eyes.

  • Heredity. Unfortunately, skin melanoma is transmitted genetically. Ask your blood relatives if someone in the family has had skin melanoma.

  • Sun burns. Even if you received severe sunburns in childhood, they can play a fatal role in the formation of melanoma.

  • Excessive ultraviolet radiation. Increased solar activity and additional irradiation in solariums stimulate the production of melanocytes and the further development of a malignant tumor.

  • Syndrome of dysplastic nevus - Birthmarks that can grow into a malignant tumor.

  • Nevus (moles) of various types and their large number (from 50), or their trauma increases the risk of developing melanoma.

  • If you once already suffered from melanoma, there is a possibility of it reappearance. Do not ignore the prophylaxis.

  • Elderly age (over 50 years).

Skin Melanoma: Symptoms

Type of mole, malignant or not, you canto be determined only with the help of histological, cytological and additional studies. Watch your birthmarks, periodically inspect them and if you notice any signs of melanoma, be sure to see a doctor oncologist.

Visible manifestations of melanoma:

  • growth and hardening of the birthmark;

  • the appearance of redness around the base of the stain;

  • the development of pigmented radiant proliferation around the spot;

  • itching in the area of ​​a mole;

  • color change;

  • loss of hair from its surface;

  • bleeding from the surface.

Skin Melanoma: Treatment

It is very important to address on time to the doctor oncologist, to reveal the disease and begin its treatment. Melanoma of the skin is a cancer that does not respond to self. In the modern world, the following types of treatment:

  • Surgical intervention, depending on the stage of the disease, is combined with plastic surgery.

  • Mohs surgery - surgical intervention, which occurs under observation in a microscope. Increases the effectiveness of such operations.

  • Immunotherapy - treatment with drugs that contain antibodies - prolongs the disease-free period and provides overall survival.

  • Radiation, regional and chemotherapy used in the treatment of damaged organs.

  • Gene therapy, which is at the level of research aimed at changing malignant tumor tissues.

  • Cryodestruction - removal of moles by freezing. It is often used for cosmetic purposes or at an early stage of melanoma.

  • Laser destruction - removal of nevuses with a laser.

  • Photodynamic therapy, Like the two previous ones, it is used at an early stage of melanoma and for cosmetic purposes. Moles are removed with the help of light flashes.

Skin melanoma: prevention

  • limit stay in the sun;

  • in the hot season use sunscreen. They must be applied to the exposed areas of the skin: arms, legs, décolletage, face, - even if you just went for a walk into the city;

  • regularly inspect your skin;

  • if any of the symptoms described above are found, be sure to consult a doctor.

Study diseases, their symptoms and prevention,do regular medical examinations for yourself (and not just for reference to work). Remember that it is always easier to prevent the disease or get rid of it in the early stages. And be healthy!

Melanoma of the skin
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