Tumor in a cat

A cat's tumor is a fairly common phenomenon. The risk of their development increases with the age of the animal. So, cause of death of many domestic cats over 10 years old is cancer. It is very important that the owners in time determine the development of the disease in the animal, because in this case the chances for successful treatment and prolongation of life increase.
To determine the type of neoplasm in a cat, a veterinarian will take tissue and lymph node biopsy, blood for analysis, will do x-rays and ultrasound. Unfortunately, in the early stages of cancer is not manifested, so only a constant observation of the condition of the animal and the detection of tumors can help determine the disease.
A tumor in a cat can indicate the development of various types of cancer. The least common is skin cancer animal. To detect skin cancer, you should follow the pigmentation of the skin in a cat. This disease is very difficult to determine, because it is almost impossible to detect abnormal pigmentation under the coat.
Swelling of the breast occurs most often and is 85% of allcases of cancer. To detect it, you should periodically examine the area of mammary glands in a cat. If any malignancy is found, consult a veterinarian immediately. A malignant tumor in a cat will begin to grow very quickly and develop, so the faster the treatment is carried out, the fewer consequences the animal will have.
Also very common tumors in the nasal and oral cavity. Their presence and development may indicate an unpleasant breath odor, bleeding, shortness of breath or swallowing.
Bone cancer is very rare, but it is quite pronounced. On its development can indicate difficulty in movement, limp, inflexibility of the body.
If you find a tumor in a cat and when youturned to the doctor, the animal was diagnosed with cancer, do not rush into panic. The treatment plan for the cat will depend on the stage of development of the disease and the general condition of the animal. There are two methods of treatment: operational and conservative.
Conducting an operational method is not always appropriate, because if the cat's tumor is too large, there is no reason to delete it, since the animal can simply not transfer the operation. Conservative method Is the treatment of cancer with the help of immunotherapy orchemotherapy. Immunotherapy is carried out in conjunction with other drugs that increase the body's resistance to the disease. In some cases, the use of immunotherapy leads to complete recovery of the animal, in others it only slows the development of the disease.
To treat cancer in cats there are no special feline medicines, so very often used drugs,designed for people. Thus, the use of ASD and ASD-2 gives positive results, but again, do not engage in intensive treatment of cats at home.
It should also be remembered that the choice of the clinic, inwhich you will treat the cat, should be taken seriously. After all, many veterinarians do not treat the animal, but heal it to death, conduct surgical interventions where they are not needed, or when it is too late to carry them out. Best to consult in several clinics and choose the best type of treatment. If you can not do without surgery, be prepared for the appearance of metastases in the animal.
Metastases Are daughter neoplasms from the maternaltumor after its removal. Metastases are dangerous because they appear unexpectedly and in the most unimaginable places: they can appear in the lungs, stomach, liver or brain. But before they appear, the animal will have another couple of years of carefree and joyful life.
If you see that no treatment can no longer help the animal, you can leave the disease on its own. There are cases, when after the onset of a crisis, the animal is marked by an improvement in his state of health, because the body begins to activate internal forces to fight the tumor.