Cardboard frame with your own hands: original ideas for decorating the house

In recent years, the trend has significantly increaseddecorating the house with "handmade" items, which look original in any room, and most importantly - exclusively. These can be pictures, embroidered with their own hands, caskets, vases, photo frames and many others. etc. There are many reasons for not wasting time and effort to make jewelry yourself, because it's much easier to buy a decor in the store. However, the process of manual work will bring a lot of pleasure, and the frame with the image of an expensive person will look much more spectacular in comparison with the "factory" one. It's very easy to make a photo frame made of paper or cardboard, and the result will surpass all expectations.

Photo frame with your own hands made of paper: master class

Cardboard frame with your own hands: original ideas for decorating the house

Make an original frame for photos you can by having the following materials and tools at your fingertips:

  • Scissors;

  • Unnecessary piece of wallpaper;

  • Whatman;

  • Sheet from the album for drawing;

  • Ruler;

  • A simple pencil.

The sheet is placed on a vertical surface, on iton each side it is necessary to draw four strips, separated from each other by a distance of one and a half centimeters. As a result, all lines drawn should have a point of intersection with each other in each corner of the sheet (4 squares are obtained).

Cardboard frame with your own hands: original ideas for decorating the house

The side of the square as a result is obtained equal to 6cm, the squares should be cut. Next, you need to retreat a half centimeter from the outer edge in the place where the second line is drawn, and trim the corners. The next step is to draw the line vertically and hold the diagonals on it from 2 sides to get a trapezoid. On one side the figure is cut out.

The final stage is the fold of the sheet along the drawnlines in such a way that the frame is formed. In order for the structure to be more solid, the corners must be inserted one into the other. The frame can be painted with favorite colors, decorated with paper or cardboard ornaments. It is not recommended to impose heavy decorative elements.

Frames from a cardboard for a photo by own hands

Cardboard frame with your own hands: original ideas for decorating the house

To create a photo frame, it's best to usecardboard, as compared to paper, it is more durable. To create a wall-mounted version to the back of the material, you need to attach a loop, and for the desktop frame you need to cut the step. All products made of cardboard have the same manufacturing principle, the difference is only in decorative design. Of the basic tools, scissors, simple pencils, cardboard, any decor and PVA glue will be useful.

The initial stage is the outline of the outline of the favorite photo on the cardboard. Then on each side it is necessary to add an additional several centimeters and cut out the resulting workpiece.

An interesting option is to decorate the frame of cardboard with a cloth, as in the photo below.

Cardboard frame with your own hands: original ideas for decorating the house

You can decorate it using gouache, specialvarnish, or covered with a layer of fine decorative sand. Beads and small seashells will work well. The back part is a regular rectangle cut from the cardboard, which must be glued to the workpiece. It is worth remembering that at this stage you need to leave a small gap between the parts so that you can then insert the photo.

Creative photo frames

Cardboard frame with your own hands: original ideas for decorating the house

Make an original photo frameit is easy enough, the main thing is to show imagination and have a set of beautiful decorative ornaments at hand. Creatively look products made of colored paper (or wallpaper) of the same color.

Based on origami, you can perform incredible framing from several sections that are linked together.

In addition, you should not rush to get rid ofold newspapers. Using knitting needles, it is possible to twist this paper into a tube, and then weave a framework-frame, forming a frame of any shape. If you need to change the color, then the material can be painted with gouache.

Cardboard frame with your own hands: original ideas for decorating the house

On a note! From paper of different colors, you can cut a lot of interesting ornaments for the frame: leaves, muzzles of animals, hearts, berries, flowers. To create a decor, stock up on stencils.

Cardboard frame with your own hands: original ideas for decorating the house

Original looks are made of options made fromfestive packaging paper, plus that you do not need to paint or decorate it. Beautifully loved photos look in frames, decorated with paillettes, colorful buttons, small figures, beads, coins and even puzzles and bottle caps. Do not be afraid to fantasize and invent something new, the main thing in the work is accuracy and creativity.

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