Grow strawberries and strawberries on the windowsill

If you think that growing juicy scarletberries of homemade strawberries or her relatives - wild strawberries on the windowsill in winter is impossible, you are mistaken. With some effort, you will get beautiful decorative bushes and a quality harvest. The main thing is to observe the basic conditions:

  • provide a suitable microclimate for plants: high humidity, heat, no drafts and temperature changes

  • extend the light day with phyto-lamps

  • to get quality seedlings (if you are going to cultivate strawberries or strawberries not from seeds).

Grow strawberries and strawberries on the windowsill

Selection of planting material

There are two main ways of breedingstrawberries: from seeds or seedlings. If you have a plot of land, then you can dig out the seedlings there, or buy them in a specialized store. For the balcony, the repairing varieties (Seyanets Sakhalin, Lizonka, Floriana, Homemade Delicacy) are suitable. The bushes are usually excavated in early September and placed in a dark and cool room. This period is called the period of rest strawberries. After a while, the plant can be planted in prepared containers.

The second option is the seeds. They can be purchased at any store for gardeners. For a window sill, Suprim is suitable.

Preparation of substrate and containers

In the store you can purchase soil mixture for vegetablesand flowers or independently mix the earth, humus and sand in equal proportions. If you take the land from the garden, then do not forget to carry out antimicrobial treatment: heat in an oven or microwave, spill with boiling water, a solution of potassium permanganate or a special solution.

Seeds can be planted in small plasticcontainers, and then dive. For ready-made seedlings, three-dimensional flower pots made of plastic or non-glazed ceramics are suitable. Do not forget about the drainage holes and the drainage layer (expanded clay, broken brick, pebbles). Strawberries can not stand the stagnation of water.

Grow strawberries and strawberries on the windowsill

We plant plants

So, it's time to plant our strawberries. Each seedling bush must have a volume of at least 3 liters. Too long roots of the plant should be pruned beforehand, and then lowered for several hours into a solution of heteroauxin (2 tablets per 10 liters). After that, the plant is planted in the ground in such a way that the rhizome does not protrude to the surface, but it is not too deep. Provide enough seedlings for the seedlings, regular watering and humidity. The first flower nodules are best cut, so the seedlings will quickly settle down in a new place. Periodically, it is necessary to feed the plant with special fertilizers for strawberries.

If you sow seeds, you canpre-germinate, hold in a moist environment. Land for planting should be moist (but not wet) and dense. Do not over-deepen the seeds. To ensure that the soil does not dry out and create a favorable microclimate, cover the pot with a plastic wrap and put it in a warm place. Periodically spray sprouts from the spray gun. Once the seeds give the first shoots, the film can be removed. If the apartment is cool, then cover the container with a three-dimensional polyethylene lid, so the strawberry will be "in greenhouse conditions." After the appearance of 2 leaves, the seedlings must be dived. Remember that strawberries need high-quality watering, but do not overdo it. The optimum temperature is not lower than 18 °.

Strawberries and strawberries on the windowsill all year round

Grow strawberries and strawberries on the windowsill

Here are some more useful tips for your strawberry and strawberry to always please the eye:

  • feed the plants once every two weeks with biohumus or other organic solutions;

  • during fruiting, water the soil with iron-containing solutions or insert an iron nail into the pot;

  • make sure that the plants are not affected by rot or spider mite, when symptoms of the disease appear, sprinkle with garlic infusion;

  • periodically shake the bushes to increase the number of ovaries;

  • for tying the "mustache" suitable trellis trellis.

More details on how to grow strawberries in the home and how to properly care for it in our video:

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