A gift to my mother with my own hands: craftworks-flowers from cotton-wool discs step-by-step photos

You can give flowers to your mom for absolutely anya holiday and even without a special reason. After all, flowers are a symbol of purity, love and goodwill. The only pity is that the beauty of the flowers is so fleeting, and the plastic counterparts do not have such a strong positive energy. A perfect alternative can be flowers made from simple materials with their own hands. For example, from conventional wadded disks. Of these, you can make amazing beauty callas, chamomiles, roses, snowdrops, peonies. Such crafts will be an excellent holiday bouquet. Also, flowers made of cotton wool can be used to decorate greeting cards, caskets, photo frames.
Festive hand-made from cotton wool: snowdrops in a pot
Snowdrop is the main spring flower, which we associate with the heat and the end of winter. A pot of snowdrops will be a wonderful gift to my mother on the eve of March 8.
For snowdrops made of cotton wheels you will need the following materials:
cotton wheels
eared sticks
children's plasticine
coffee beans or other beans (beans, peanuts, peas)
a small glass jar with a wide neck
foam rubber / primer / gypsum
pebbles of glass
Step-by-step instruction
From paper cut out the flower pattern and leaves of the future snowdrop.
Using the resulting template, we cut out flowers from cotton wool discs. In the middle of each scissors make a small hole.
Remove the cotton wool from one end of the earwax. Green plasticine zadekoriruem wand - this is the basis for the stem.
We connect the received blanks of the stem and flower, and fix them with the help of clay.
At the bottom of the cans lie foam (ground, gypsum) and insert our snowdrops into it. On top decorate with pebbles.
Now you need to turn an ordinary glass jarin a flowerpot. To do this, evenly apply clay on the surface and attach to it coffee beans, peas, beans or ordinary groats. You can also decorate our pot with ribbons, beads, pebbles.
Master class with photo: calla from cotton wool
Such callas can be decorated, for example, a greeting card or a small frame. They are also suitable for a small bouquet.
To make callas you will need:
cotton wheels
cotton buds
PVA glue
colored paper
gouache yellow
straws for juice
Step-by-step instruction
Fold the cotton pad in half. You need to give it the shape of the petal of the calla, so cut it a little from the top to get an oblong oval.
Remove the cotton wool from one side with earwax. Remain the remaining cotton wool gouache in yellow and let it dry. This is the workpiece for the pistil.
Wrap the cotton wool around the pestle, forming a calla. To keep the flower, lubricate the edges of the petal with glue and connect.
Place the flowers you got on cardboard, previously color-coded by colored paper. For a bouquet - put the callas in the straws for the juice of green color.