Flowers "The Tailspin"

Sansevera - unpretentious flower, durablesettled on the windowsills of our apartments, as well as in the hearts of his admirers. Judging by its origin, it is a representative of noble blood, as its name acquired in honor of the Italian prince of San Severo.

This flower is known to most by nicknames -"The pony tail" or "Teshchin language." This plant is very useful to start in an apartment: it releases phytoncides, cleansing the air of dust, microbes, viruses, etc.

Variety of species

Sansevera is from central Africa. In nature, there are about 70 varieties, and in artificially created conditions, only two grow in the most: cylindrical and three-band. Depending on the species, the leaves of the houseplant "Poduchy tail" are long and xiphoid (three-lane sanseurera) or tubular and shorter (cylindrical).

Shovel Tail: Care

This plant grows remarkably in the sun, and indepth of the room. And the location is not reflected at all on the appearance and state of the "Shchuch'ye tail". For a short time it can be put even in the hallway, in which there are no windows at all. Only the coloring of the leaves will become less expressive and vivid. In order to achieve the appearance of buds near the pike tail, the flower should be placed in the sun.

It is not necessary to water the flowers often. "Shovel Tail" iscan ruin them. Sansevera does not like frequent moisturizing. From this, its leaves turn yellow and dry. It should be watered only after the soil has dried in the pot. In winter, the plant is irrigated no more than twice a month.

Warning: water carefully, so that moisture does not get on the rosette of the "Schuko tail", the plant from this can rot. Although sanseerera was born in hot Africa, but it is better that she was in a room where the temperature does not exceed 27 degrees. And in winter it was not less than + 12C.

What kind of soil is suitable for "Shchuchy tail"

The soil can be bought in the store, but it is better to do it yourself: take two parts of the turf and one perepredshego manure and sand. You can add a sheet humus or peat to the mixture.

Transplantation and reproduction of sanseviera

A signal that the plant needs a pot of moresize, serve the roots, which became visible in the drainage hole. Transplant the "adult" sansevier enough once in three years. But the young is desirable every spring. When transplanting, you can do two things:

• take a larger pot and place the whole plant in it;

divide the root system into parts, and then plant them in different containers.

Important: we advise you to use small pots, as wide as pots, for use in sanitary ware. This is due to the peculiarities of root growth. If you want to plant a pike tail, video of the transplant process can be searched on the Internet.

Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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