
Sansevieria is one of the popular indoor flowers that can be seen not only in the windows of administrative buildings, shops, but also on the windowsills of residential apartments.

Sansevieria home

Judging by the large number of folk nicknames: "Shovel Tail", "Language of the Devil", "Teschin tongue", "Kukushkin tail", "Leopard lily", "Snake skin", - the plant has great popularity among different peoples.

The leaves of this plant are stiff, oblong with cross strips, in upright species up to a meter in length.

It blooms with small, inexpressive tassels with a fragrant scent.

Rhizome fleshy, creeping, located close to the surface of the earth, so you need to grow a flower in wide, but low containers.

Kinds and grades of sansevieria

1. The most famous variety is the three-striped Sansevieria, a photo of which can be viewed on any flower site.

If you plant a plant in a wide bowl, then in a few years will grow a real tropical thickets on your window.

The most attractive sort of pike tail is Sansevieria Laurenti. The yellow-white fringing makes her xiphoid leaves more effective compared to the previous species.

2. Completely different looks Sansevieria Hanni - a compact plant with short but wide leaves, which are collected in a rosette about 30 cm high. There are varieties: "Golden Hahnii" - with a golden kayomochkoy and "Silver Hahnii" - pale green color.

3. Unusually looks cylindrical Sansevieria photo of which can also be found on the Internet. The diameter of the leaves is 2 cm. A groove is located along the entire plate.

Sansewater cylindrical has no rhizome. A rosette of rounded leaves gives a horizontal shoot, on which after a while a new baby appears. Then the young growth begins to grow vertically.

Sanseveria Care

The pony tail is a plant that grows by itselfand does not ask for special attention and care. Although it makes peace with penumbra, but in order for the strips on the leaves to be clearly expressed and saturated in color, bright scattered light is needed. And during the vegetation, and in the winter.

The most suitable for cultivation are windows oriented to the east and west.

In the summer, Sansevieria will feel great in the delicate shade of trees.

Although the tail of the tail is not exacting to the temperature regime of the content, but the boundary limits still exist: in the summer it is desirable to have a range of +18 + 20 ° C, in winter - about + 15 ° C.

Before you take up the watering can, the earthen should completely dry. Watering is needed, you can say, lean. Try not to get a drop of water into the center of the socket, otherwise the plant will die.

Transplant the pike tail as you fill the pot with roots, this is done approximately every three years.

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