How to decorate an old bag with your own hands: a master class

The simplest decoration for a bag, especiallyblack leather, - drawing. Just take the acrylic paints, resistant to bad weather, and paint any picture. No less popular and applications of any type, from skin to felt. Do not be afraid to mix materials - decorations are not impractical!

How to decorate a bag with flowers

Make from felt, silk or even from old zipper-fasteners flowers of different sizes and wash them on a bag. It is best to look at such decorations on fabric bags.

How to decorate a bag with a handkerchief

The handkerchief can be tied at the bottom of the handle of the bag,but the best option for this decoration is for bags, the handle of which consists of a chain with very wide links. Transfer them with a handkerchief or scarf, leaving the ends waving, going down to the bag. It is best to take either a handkerchief in the tone of the bag itself or a sharply contrasting tissue. But in any case, it should be as thin as possible.

How to decorate a bag with beads

Embroidery with beads does not lose its popularity. A bag, like any other surface, can serve as a canvas for your creativity. Embroider any shape or picture you want. And if the bag has a lid, you can play with its appearance: for example, by depicting a "changing" figure: on the lid and inside it, on the very side of the bag, the same figure will be displayed, but with a small change, when the bag is open (for example, a cartoon hero, "outside" waving his hand, and inside - and talking, with a bubble bubble, the word "hello").

How to decorate a bag with rhinestones or thorns

There is an infinite number of strasses - likecolors, and types of "cut", sizes and so on. From them you can make any patterns and even whole shiny pictures. But do not get too carried away by them if your bag, of course, is not designed for "evening" exits. In ordinary cases, one or two rows of rhinestones that form a geometric figure, for example, a circling lock or stretching to it from both ends of the handles, is quite enough.

Strasses are most often attached to superglue, butthe cloth bag will be more securely sewn. With spines a bit more complicated, although the general principle is the same. Even decorative spikes made of light aluminum will not adhere well to the glue, especially considering that the bag every day experiences increased pressure, for example, in a crowd. It is best to fix them through the fabric.

How to decorate an old bag with your own hands: a master class

With a leather bag, home methods make thisit is quite difficult, but leatherette or cloth bags are good for this. You will need special decorative spikes of that color and the metal you want. Consider the drawing that these spikes will make up. Most of them make an even strip in one (if the spikes are large) or several (if very small, less than 0.3 mm), stretching vertically or horizontally on the bag (on the top cover, if this cover is, or just on the side, if the bag is on a conventional buckle).

But the spines, as well as the rhinestones, can be laid outany geometric figure, or to beat the already existing decor on the bag (for example, the bag is "divided" into two parts by a wavy line separating the smooth surface from the grainy surface, and release the spikes along this line). Support the lining of the part of the bag on which there should be thorns, and one by one fix on the fabric.

Remember that they are attached either as a button -hammer, or with the help of two fastening elements, unbending to the sides, as on old badges. If there are no pads in the bag, it's best to sew a new one - such fasteners can scratch your hands or things that will lie in your bag. Then just sew the lining back into place.

Author: Masha Larina

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