New Year's articles made of corrugated paper (photo)
Before the New Year, there is not much left, and it is necessary to have timedecorate the house. In addition, making Christmas decorations is a great pleasure for children. To this holiday and crafts you need to do the appropriate. For example, you can make a beautiful Christmas tree of corrugated paper. Its size and color will depend only on the author's desire and imagination.
To make from the usualcorrugated paper a beautiful Christmas tree, which you can decorate and a festive table, and a Christmas tree, will need quite a bit. Most of the materials for making the Christmas tree with their own hands can be purchased at any stationery store - and if you have a child, then most likely everything necessary to create a Christmas tree of corrugated paper can be found on the family desk.
We need:
Multicolored corrugated paper
Thick white cardboard - minimum A4 size
Scissors, better curly
Various decorations: ribbons, beads, bows, stars and other
Step 1. First we make a cone from the cardboard. Its sides can be glued together. But for strength it is better to fix them with a stapler. If you do not have white cardboard, you should paint it, so that the color does not show through the corrugated paper. To make the tree bigger, you can make a cone of cardboard format A3 or A2.
Step 2. We cut long strips 2-3 cm wide from corrugated paper of green color. By the way, the Christmas tree can be any color. It can be made white, blue, pink and generally multi-colored. Experiment with the shades, and you will have a whole collection of cute Christmas trees!
Step 3a. In order to be able to participate in the creation of the tree, the child is 3-4 years old, the stripes can be glued on the Christmas tree, without cutting into parts, but simply by winding upwards from the bottom. If possible, teach the baby to fold the paper a little.
Step 3b. If you make a Christmas tree yourself or with a child older than 5-6 years, then it is better to approach the process more thoroughly. The length of the strips can be 30-40 cm and higher, if you have prepared a cone of large size. It is better to cut them from paper of different shades. Lower the edge of the strip a little pull out your fingers to make it look like a cap. Attaching the paper to the beautiful wrinkles, start from the bottom to glue the strips on the cone one by one, alternating colors. At each level must turn out pretty lush skirts.
Step 4. When the paper dries, proceed to decorating the Christmas tree. From the dense colored paper, we cut out and glue a beautiful star and place it on the top. To keep it better, it can be attached to the Christmas tree with a thin wire, having made a hole in the cone. Then we paste bows, mini-balls from colored paper or pajetok and other decor. As a final touch, the New Year's beauty can be decorated with artificial snow from a can!
Corrugated paper crafts on a Christmas tree
To the Christmas tree was not boring, she can make several snowflakes in the company. To do this, you will need corrugated paper, cardboard, scissors, glue and a stick or pencil.
Step 1. On the sheet of white cardboard draw a beautiful snowflake. Its size, width and shape of the beams will depend only on your desire.
Step 2. Corrugated paper of white or silver color cut out small squares. There must be a lot of them! But an ideal form is not required at all.

Step 3. Lubricate the ray of snowflakes with glue. Using a stick or pencil, carefully glue the squares. Do this so that they are glued only in the center, and wavy edges about 1 cm high went up. Quadrices need to be glued tightly to each other. Then the snowflake will turn out very fluffy.
Step 4. Do the same on the other side of the cardboard snowflake. The result is a very beautiful, delicate work. On one ray, you can make a small hole and needle or a thin thread in it with a needle or a thin awl.

Now you can hang a snowflake on a tree or decorate its interior. By the way, it's not necessary to make it snow-white. Use the paper of those flowers that you like.

We hope that you will have fun with your children, making artifacts from corrugated paper on a Christmas tree.