New Year's articles: a bead from a bead own hands

To date, there are many schemes of weaving a snake from beads, as a rule, they are all based on technologyparallel weaving - in this technique to create different animals from beads is especially convenient. There are different patterns of weaving a snake from beads, mostly patterns that imitate the natural spotted pattern of snake skin.
For the simplest snake of beads you will need wire or line and single-color beads, for example, green. Also, several beads of red color will be needed - they will depict snake's tongue.
On the wire or line is sewn 3 beadsRed. Beads move so that they are in the middle of the segment. Further, holding the most extreme bead (from either side), it is necessary to pass the end of a piece of wire or line through the two remaining beads back. Then you need to tighten the wire (line) so that all the beads are on the same row approximately in the middle of the segment.

One part of the forked tongue of the snake was obtained. Similarly, the second should be done. After this step, the two ends of the wire (line) are side by side and will be parallel to each other. They should be strung 3 more beads of red color. This will be the basis of the language of the snake. Then you can move on to braiding the head of a snake (the weaving scheme in the figure on the right).
On each of the two parallel ends of the wire(fishing line) should be strung on 1 bead of the main color. Then 3 beads must be strung on one of the ends of the wire (line), after which the second end of the wire (fishing line) should be passed through these beads in the opposite direction. Again, thread 3 beads on the wire (line) and again pass through them in the opposite direction the end of the wire (fishing line).
The following 2 rows are similarly woven from 4 beads each. Then 2 rows of 5 and 2 rows of 6beads, as well as 2 rows of 7 beads. The next 4 rows of 8 beads each, as well as 2 rows of 7 beads each complete the head of the snake. Next weave the body of a snake.
The body of the snake At first he runs in rows of 6 beads. So weave 22 paired rows. Then you should switch to a weaving of 5 beads - another 20 pairs of rows. Out of 4 beads, 18 pairs of rows are woven, of 3 beads - 16, of 2 beads -13. The weaving of a snake from beads ends with a bead.
The ends of the wire (line) are passed through the bead so that they end up on the same side. Next they are held together: a knot, if it's a fishing line, or a simple twist, if it's a wire. The little knot neatly hides between the beads and the bead of the bead with its own hands is ready.
It is interesting that make a snake from beads it is even more beautiful if for its weavinguse beads are not one but different colors. For example, you can take beads of different shades of green: lighter for odd rows and darker for even ones. Then the snake made of beads will have a lighter "tummy" and a darker "back" - like a real reptile.
The ready-made snake from beads can be leveled or alternatively bend, giving it a shape, similarThe one that snakes take in nature. Such a snake will be an ornament of the New Year's table, and it will perfectly look on the chest or on the shelf. Another snake from beads can be included in any New Year's composition or you can give it to someone from friends and relatives as New Year's gift 2013.