Violets made from beads

In general, for weaving flowers from beadsa variety of techniques are used. Some elements of colors are made in the technique of parallel weaving, for others it is most convenient to use the technique of French (arc) weaving. To weave violets from beads, we will also use several techniques.
For weaving violets from beads we will need:
- 25 g of purple beads (number 10)
- 50 g of green beads (number 10)
- 1 g of yellow beads (number 9)
- wire
This amount of beads should be enough for 11 flowers and 12-15 leaves. Like roses from beads, violets of beads collected from individual elements - the middle, petals and leaves.
Each flower violet consists of five petals of violet and yellow center (we will make it of two yellow beads).
To start with a split petal. To do this, we take 14 beads and a piece of wirelength 25 cm. We string the beads in the middle of the wire, and then pass the end of the wire through the first bead we have typed - we should get a loop (how to do this, shown in the diagram).
Then string 7 beads and pass the end of the wire through the upper (middle) bead of the loop. After that, string 7 more beads and double twist the ends of the wire under the finished petal.
If you are using this technique for the first time, it is more convenient to perform each petal on a separate piece of wire. But if this technique is familiar to you and does not represent the slightest difficulty for you, you can try to execute all the petals on one piece of wire length of 70 cm.
Having made the necessary number of petals, we make middle of a flower. To do this, take a piece of wire length of 15 cm,we collect on it two yellow beads and 2-3 times we twist the ends of a wire. Now you can collect a flower. To do this, evenly distribute our petals (only 5 pieces) around the middle of the flower and twist the ends of the wire together until the length of the stem is sufficient.
After that we begin weave leaves. The leaves of the violet have a pointed shape. They are woven from green beads in the technique of circular weaving (this method of weaving from beads is also called French or arc). 5 leaves are woven according to the scheme "9 rows of 7 beads), another 5 - according to the scheme" 11 rows of 7 beads), and 5-7 leaves are made according to the scheme "13 rows of 7 beads".
When the leaves are ready, you can begin to collect the composition. The easiest way to do this potted composition (as in the upper figure in this article). To do this, we take a pot of the right size, stir in its center flowers, and around distribute the leaves. Smaller leaflets should be placed above the large ones.
And you can make of violets bouquet (as in the lower figure). For this, even during weaving, it is necessary to provide a sufficient length of stems for flowers and leaves. The leaves are screwed to flowers, flowers are collected in a bouquet and bandaged with a ribbon. To hide the wire stems and make the bouquet look natural, you can wrap the protruding wire with a green floral tape.
Violets of beads are ready!